Casualisation agreements between university and trade unions, and implementation
Dear Manchester Metropolitan University,
I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information act, information about casualisation.
Please could you provide the following:
(1) A copy of any agreements between the university and trade unions concerning casualisation, i.e. the use of fixed-term contracts, zero-hours contracts or similar contracts.
(2) The dates any such agreements were reached.
(3) Annual statistics regarding the number of staff employed on fixed-term contracts, dating from before any agreements mentioned in (1) to the present day. If no such agreements exist, then please provide annual statistics for the last five years.
(4) Annual statistics as in (3) regarding the number of staff employed on zero-hours contracts (if possible separated into postgraduate students who are also employed by the university, and other staff employed on zero-hours contracts).
(5) Minutes of meetings between the university and trade unions at which progress of implementation of the agreements mentioned in (1) were discussed.
Yours faithfully,
Francis Higgs
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[1]Manchester Metropolitan University
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Dear Francis Higgs,
Thank you for submitting your Freedom of Information Request.
Your request has been received and given Case Number: FOI-00263.
We will either contact you to seek any necessary clarification about your
request or respond to your request in accordance with [2]statutory time periods.
In the meantime, if you need to discuss your request further, please contact
[3][Manchester Metropolitan University request email], quoting your Case Number.
Your sincerely,
Freedom of Information
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Dear Francis,
FOI ref: FOI-00263
Further to your email below, I am now in a position to respond to your
request dated: 15/03/23
Following receipt of your request, searches were conducted within
Manchester Metropolitan University (the University) to locate the
requested information, and I can confirm that the information requested is
held by the University.
Please find below/attached the information held currently in the
categories you have requested:
(1) A copy of any agreements between the university and trade unions
concerning casualisation, i.e. the use of fixed-term contracts, zero-hours
contracts or similar contracts.
The University did not reach agreement with UCU, therefore an agreement
was never formalised and co-signed.
(2) The dates any such agreements were reached.
N/a- please see answer to question 1.
(3) Annual statistics regarding the number of staff employed on fixed-term
contracts, dating from before any agreements mentioned in (1) to the
present day. If no such agreements exist, then please provide annual
statistics for the last five years.
Please see data below of number of fixed term contracts across the whole
of the University (not just academic) as at the 1^st September in each of
the years since 2018.
│ Year │No of FTC │% Workforce │
│ 2018 │ 432 │ 11.0% │
│ 2019 │ 494 │ 12.1% │
│ 2020 │ 527 │ 12.4% │
│ 2021 │ 447 │ 10.9% │
(4) Annual statistics as in (3) regarding the number of staff employed on
zero-hours contracts (if possible separated into postgraduate students who
are also employed by the university, and other staff employed on
zero-hours contracts).
Manchester Metropolitan University does not use zero hour contracts. The
University does have hourly paid workers, but we do not consider hourly
paid workers to be within the scope of the request. Work is available and
will be scheduled with an individual over an agreed period. The working
hours will be agreed and accepted in advance for the period specified.
When the work is accepted, the expectation is that the individual will
undertake this work for the specified period (typically within an academic
(5) Minutes of meetings between the university and trade unions at which
progress of implementation of the agreements mentioned in (1) were
Please find attached. We have removed any personally identifiable
information from this data. This includes; names, initials and job titles.
We believe that the release of the information we hold would result in
individuals concerned being identifiable or indirectly identifiable. This
would constitute a disclosure of personal data contrary to our obligations
under data protection legislation. This data is therefore exempt from
disclosure under s40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
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our FOI process, please see the following address
If you require a printed copy, please let us know
Should you have any queries concerning this response, please contact the
team using the details below, quoting the reference number above.
Best wishes,
Poppy Wallace
Freedom of Information Team
Legal & Governance | Manchester Metropolitan University
Email: [2][Manchester Metropolitan University request email]
All Saints Building | Oxford Road | Manchester | M15 6BH | United Kingdom
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The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is to
contact the case officer.
That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues and
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If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision of
Manchester Metropolitan University made under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 regarding access to information, you can request to have the
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Internal review requests should be made in writing to [4][Manchester Metropolitan University request email],
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For information on how to make an application to the Information
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Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone: 01625 545 700
From: Francis Higgs <[FOI #960428 email]>
Sent: 15 March 2023 11:55
To: FOI <[Manchester Metropolitan University request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Casualisation agreements between
university and trade unions, and implementation
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content to be safe. Please contact the IT ServiceDesk if you have any
Dear Manchester Metropolitan University,
I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information act, information
about casualisation.
Please could you provide the following:
(1) A copy of any agreements between the university and trade unions
concerning casualisation, i.e. the use of fixed-term contracts, zero-hours
contracts or similar contracts.
(2) The dates any such agreements were reached.
(3) Annual statistics regarding the number of staff employed on fixed-term
contracts, dating from before any agreements mentioned in (1) to the
present day. If no such agreements exist, then please provide annual
statistics for the last five years.
(4) Annual statistics as in (3) regarding the number of staff employed on
zero-hours contracts (if possible separated into postgraduate students who
are also employed by the university, and other staff employed on
zero-hours contracts).
(5) Minutes of meetings between the university and trade unions at which
progress of implementation of the agreements mentioned in (1) were
Yours faithfully,
Francis Higgs
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