Casualisation agreements between university and trade unions, and implementation
Dear Cardiff Metropolitan University,
I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information act, information about casualisation.
Please could you provide the following:
(1) A copy of any agreements between the university and trade unions concerning casualisation, i.e. the use of fixed-term contracts, zero-hours contracts or similar contracts.
(2) The dates any such agreements were reached.
(3) Annual statistics regarding the number of staff employed on fixed-term contracts, dating from before any agreements mentioned in (1) to the present day. If no such agreements exist, then please provide annual statistics for the last five years.
(4) Annual statistics as in (3) regarding the number of staff employed on zero-hours contracts (if possible separated into postgraduate students who are also employed by the university, and other staff employed on zero-hours contracts).
(5) Minutes of meetings between the university and trade unions at which progress of implementation of the agreements mentioned in (1) were discussed.
Yours faithfully,
Francis Higgs
│Annwyl Francis, │Dear Francis, │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│Diolch am eich cais am wybodaeth (o │Thank you for your request for │
│dan Ddeddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000).│information (under the Freedom of │
│Derbyniwyd eich cais ar 15.03.2023 │Information Act 2000). Your request │
│a rhoddwyd y cyfeirnod canlynol │was received on the 15.03.2023 and│
│iddo: RI2321. Defnyddiwch y │has been given the following │
│cyfeirnod hwn ym mhob gohebiaeth yn │reference number: RI2321. Please use│
│y dyfodol os gwelwch yn dda. Diolch.│this reference number in all future │
│ │correspondence. Thank you. │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│Rydym yn ymdrechu i ymateb i’ch cais│ │
│yn brydlon, fodd bynnag, caniateir │We endeavour to respond to your │
│inni gymryd hyd at 20 diwrnod gwaith│request promptly, however we are │
│yn unol â’r Ddeddf – a’r diwrnod │permitted, under the Act, to take up│
│cyntaf yw’r diwrnod gwaith cyntaf ar│to 20 working days – the first day │
│ôl inni dderbyn y cais (nid yw hyn │being the first working day after │
│yn cynnwys dyddiau Sadwrn, dyddiau │the request is received (this does │
│Sul, Gwyliau Banc na Gwyliau │not include Saturdays, Sundays, Bank│
│Cyhoeddus). Os na allwn gwrdd â’r │Holidays or Public Holidays). If for│
│terfyn amser hwn am unrhyw reswm, │any reason we are unable to meet │
│byddwn yn rhoi manylion llawn ichi │this deadline we will keep you fully│
│am y rheswm/rhesymau pam na allwn │informed of the reason(s) why. │
│wneud hynny. │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │If you have any queries about this │
│Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau am │acknowledgement and/or your request,│
│y neges gydnabod hon ac/neu eich │or if at any stage you are unhappy │
│cais, neu os byddwch yn anfodlon â’r│with the way in which your request │
│ffordd yr ydym yn delio â’ch cais ar│is being dealt with, please do not │
│unrhyw bryd, mae croeso ichi │hesitate to contact us by e-mail │
│gysylltu â ni trwy e-bost │([4][email address]).│
│([1][email address]).│ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │Thank you very much. │
│Diolch yn fawr iawn. │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │Yours sincerely, │
│Yr eiddoch yn gywir, │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │Esther Steele │
│Esther Steele │ │
│ │Governance and Compliance Advisor │
│Ymgynghorydd Llywodraethu a │ │
│Chydymffurfiaeth │Cardiff Metropolitan University │
│ │ │
│Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd │Western Avenue │
│ │ │
│Rhodfa’r Gorllewin │Cardiff │
│ │ │
│Caerdydd │Wales, UK │
│ │ │
│Cymru, DU │CF5 2YB │
│ │ │
│CF5 2YB │ │
│ │ │
│ │Email: [5][email address] │
│ │ │
│E-bost: [2][email address]│ │
│ │ │
│ │[6] │
│ │ │
│[3] │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
Dear Francis,
Reference Number: RI2321.
Please find attached a letter from Cardiff Metropolitan University in response to your request under Freedom of Information legislation.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything further I can help with.
Yours sincerely,
Esther Steele
Governance and Compliance Advisor / Ymgynghorydd Llywodraethu a Chydymffurfiaeth
Cardiff Metropolitan University / Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd
Western Avenue / Rhodfa'r Gorllewin
Cardiff / Caerdydd
Wales, UK / Cymru, DU
Email / E-bost: [email address]
Compliance Information on InSite:
Mae Met Caerdydd yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a Saesneg a byddwn yn sicrhau ein bod yn cyfathrebu â chi yn eich dewis iaith boed yn Gymraeg, yn Saesneg neu'n ddwyieithog dim ond i chi roi gwybod i ni pa un sydd well gennych. Ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn creu unrhyw oedi.
Cardiff Met welcomes correspondence in English and Welsh and we will ensure that we communicate with you in the language of your choice, whether that's English, Welsh or bilingual as long as you let us know which you prefer. Corresponding in Welsh will not lead to any delay.
Dear Esther,
I don't understand the response to (3): "The University has no annual statistics to disclose because fixed-term contracts are open-ended." Can you please clarify what you mean by "open-ended"? By fixed-term contracts I meant contracts which last only until a given end-date.
Yours sincerely,
Francis Higgs
Good afternoon Francis,
I have spoken to our Head of People Operations, and have received the
following response:
Hi Esther,
In this context open-ended means a contact of employment that has a
permanent tenure.
Does this help you Francis?
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