This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Cases of modern slavery in Thames Valley'.

Thames Valley Police 
Chief Constable Francis Habgood QPM 
Oxford Road
Oliver Sirrell 
Telephone: 101
Direct dial: 01865 542051 
Our ref: 
19th December 2018
Dear Oliver Sirrell,  
I write in response to the above-referenced Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request 
submitted on the 2nd November 2018. Thames Valley Police has now considered this 
request, which for clarity, has been repeated below: 
Please disclose the number of cases of 
This request is being refused under 
modern slavery reported to TVP in the 
Section 12(1) of the FOIA.  
last five years. 
Please also disclose the number of 
Section 12 of the FOIA allows that 
prosecutions made for modern slavery in  public authorities do not have to 
Thames Valley in the last five years.  
comply with section 1(1) of the Act if 
the cost of complying would exceed 
If possible, please include the same 
the appropriate limit.  In accordance 
figures for cases reported and 
with the Freedom of Information Act, 
prosecutions orginating from Bracknell. 
this letter represents a Refusal Notice 
for this request.   
If possible, please include the same 
figures for cases reported and 
This information requested relating to 
prosecutions orginating from 
prosecution data is not held in an 
easily retrievable format and would 
require a manual search through 
crime reports of this nature. Each 
report would need to be looked 
through to initially establish an 
outcome and would then need cross 
checking with the Police National 
Computer (PNC) to ascertain whether 
an individual had been prosecuted. 
To provide this information would 
exceed the appropriate 18 hour time 

Thames Valley Police 
Chief Constable Francis Habgood QPM 
and £450 cost limit.   
Section 16:- Further advice & 
Thames Valley Police cannot further 
advise how this information might be 
retrieved within the constraints 
however you may wish to request 
data on charges / summons rather 
than prosecutions.    
We have continued to provide 
information where possible.  The 
provision of this data does not affect 
our legal right to rely on Section 12 
for the rest of your request. 
In the last five (5) years, up to and 
including 31st October 2018, there 
have been 990 reported cases of 
Modern Slavery across the Thames 
Valley force area.  
Complaint Rights 
If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision made by Thames 
Valley Police, you can lodge a complaint with the force to have the decision reviewed 
within two months of the date of this response. Complaints should be made in writing 
to the FOI inbox; 
If, after lodging a complaint with Thames Valley Police, you are still unhappy with the 
outcome,  you  may  make  application  to  the  Information  Commissioner  at  the 
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, 
SK9 5AF. 
If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. 
Yours sincerely 
Claire Baldwin  
Public Access 
Joint Information Management Unit 

Thames Valley Police 
Chief Constable Francis Habgood QPM