Requests similar to 'Cases of classroom violence'

Family Engagement Officers
Response by Gwynedd Council to E G Douglass on .


Good afternoon; I refer to your FOI request T842 - please clarify if the request is in relation to Schools or Social Service? Regards, Rhian Jones A...
Cases of abuse
Response by Gwynedd Council to E G Douglass on .


Rhyddid Gwybodaeth / Freedom of Information Dear E G Douglass, Freedom of Information (ref 165) Thank you for your recent request under the Freed...
Emergency Social Housing spend
Response by Gwynedd Council to E G Douglass on .

Long overdue

Diolch yn fawr am eich cais diweddar o dan y Ddeddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000. Mae eich cais wedi ei drosglwyddo i mi  er mwyn ei brosesu a chadarnhaf...
FOI and EIR Service Structure
Response by Gwynedd Council to Stephen Roberts on .

Waiting clarification

Good morning, the relevant Officer needs to clarify for which period do you need the information for questions  3 and 4 below:   3. Number of FOIs...
 Diolch am eich e-bost. Nid wyf yn y swyddfa ar hyn o bryd, byddaf yn ôl Ddydd Gwener, 02.09.22. Fe atebaf eich e-bost cyn gynted ag y gallai. Dio...
Gwynedd Pension Fund Investments
Response by Gwynedd Council to Edward Jones on .

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon, Please find attached updated information relating to your FOI request number T821. Regards, Rhian Jones Adran Cefnogaeth Gorfforae...
Adult Social Care assessment tool
Response by Gwynedd Council to DRH on .


Dear DRH     Thank  you for your Freedom of Information request. Your request has been passed on to the Adult, Health and Wellbeing Department w...
Data of how direct payments are being used by users
Response by Gwynedd Council to Dean on .

Partially successful

Good afternoon   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Your request has been passed on to the Adult, Health and Wellbeing Department...
Structure chart request
Response by Gwynedd Council to Leah Overend on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Overend   Thank  you for your Freedom of Information request. Your request has been passed on to the Adult, Health and Wellbeing Departmen...
Tenant Complaints
Response by Gwynedd Council to Florence Wood on .

Partially successful

Good afternoon, "Is there any particular hazard out of the 29 you are referring to or are you asking for the combined number of inspections carried ou...
Action on empty homes and building land
Response by Gwynedd Council to James Price on .

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon, I refer to your recent FOI request T216 Is it possible for you to please clarify information needed for question 3 and 4 below: How...
Good morning, My apologies, an email I sent to you yesterday has been referred back as undelivered because of the size of the contents. I am resendin...
Employment of teachers
Response by Gwynedd Council to D Jones on .

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon,   Freedom of Information (Ref T344)   Thank you for your recent request.   We are writing to advise you that the time limit...
 Rwyf allan o’r swyddfa ar hyn o bryd. Bwriadaf fod yn ol ar 22.082023  Os oes unrhywbeth brys yn y cyfamser gallwch gysylltu a 01286 679023   "I...
Definitive Map 1975
Response by Gwynedd Council to Dawn Duckworth on .

Long overdue

Good morning, further to your FOI request T398 – the relevant Officer is eager for you to clarify which routes/areas you have in mind as the document...
Social workers in Wales 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Response by Gwynedd Council to Lucy Jones on .

Partially successful

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Your request has been passed on to the Adult, Health and Wellbeing Department within Gwynedd Counc...
Good afternoon Nicola,   Sincere apologies, the link that has already been sent to you in regards to nurseries only states the Flying Start provid...
Good Morning,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Your request has been passed on to the Adult, Health and Wellbeing Department w...
Thank  you for your Freedom of Information request. Your request has been passed on to the Adult, Health and Wellbeing Department within Gwynedd Coun...
Agency healthcare staff usage and expenditure
Response by Gwynedd Council to Kate Simmons on .

Long overdue

Dear Kate Simons   Unfortunately there will be a slight delay to your Freedom of Information request regarding appointing approved agencies and sp...
Council Tax Premium
Response by Gwynedd Council to P White on .


Dear P White,   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION – Request 491   We are writing to advise you that the time limit for responding to your request for inf...
Information on Schools
Response by Gwynedd Council to Dawn Prichard on .


Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of Information Act which has been logged under the reference number 993. In order for us to be abl...
Rhyddid Gwybodaeth / Freedom of Information Dear Dpatrick, Freedom of Information (ref 86) Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of...
Premium Rate Calls
Response by Gwynedd Council to FOI.Wales on .

Awaiting classification

Rhyddid Gwybodaeth / Freedom of Information Dear Rob, Freedom of Information (ref 680) Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of Inf...
CyberSecurity Training for Teachers
Response by Gwynedd Council to Ms Coyle on .

Awaiting classification

Rhyddid Gwybodaeth / Freedom of Information Dear Suzanne, Freedom of Information (ref 171) Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of...