Care placements for adults with learning disabilities and epilepsy
Dear NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group,
1) Please provide the names of all CQC registered residential, nursing and supported living providers commissioned to meet the needs of adults with learning disabilities and epilepsy since 1st April 2019.
2) For each of these providers, please specify the total number of placements funded through NHS Continuing Healthcare in each financial year since 1st April 2019 and the associated cost.
3) For each of these providers, please specify the total number of placements where funding has been provided through NHS Funded Nursing Care for each financial year since 1st April 2019 and the associated cost.
4) For each of these providers, please specify the total number of placements where funding has been provided through NHS Personal Budgets for each financial year since 1st April 2019 and the associated cost.
Yours faithfully,
C Waits
Dear C Waits
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.
NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group can confirm it is currently identifying if we hold this information and we will reply to you within 20 working days of the date your request was received.
If there is anything on which you need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the office on 01392 205205.
Best regards
Freedom of Information Office
NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group
County Hall | Topsham Road | Exeter | EX2 4QD
Dear C Waits
We trust this email finds you well.
The purpose of this email is to inform you that whilst the information gathering process is underway, it is being hampered due to a combination of staff sickness, and reacting to pressures brought about by the recent rise in numbers of Covid-19 patients.
The 20-working day deadline to disclose our response to you is the 26 July, we are working to respond to you before that date.
We will keep you informed if it does become apparent we cannot meet the 26 July.
Best regards
Freedom of Information Office
NHS Devon Integrated Care Board
County Hall | Topsham Road | Exeter | EX2 4QD
Proud to be part of One Devon – NHS and CARE working with communities and local organisations to improve people’s lives
Dear C Waits
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find attached a
response letter from the
NHS Devon.
Best regards
Freedom of Information Office
NHS Devon Integrated Care Board
County Hall | Topsham Road | Exeter | EX2 4QD
Website: [1]
Proud to be part of One Devon – NHS and CARE working with communities and
local organisations to improve people’s lives
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