Good afternoon Stellan Sigg
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of Nor...
Good afternoon Ron Sheldrick
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of No...
Good afternoon Peter C Bell
Further to the below please see the ICB's response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of Norfolk and...
Dear Charles Ryan
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of Norfolk and W...
Good afternoon Greg Collins
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of Nor...
Good afternoon Jarred Lee
Further to the below the ICB has asked if you would clarify if the request
is seeking information about primary care o...
Good afternoon Louie Bennett
Thank you for your email.
NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB uses IC24 for out of hours services for the
ICB’s geogr...
Good afternoon Vijay Singh
Thank you for your email.
I have attached a very recent response to a substantially similar request
the ICB has respond...
Good afternoon Stephanie Kershaw-Marsh
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On be...
Dear Stellan Sigg
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of Norfolk and W...
Good morning David Campbell
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of Norfolk and...
Good afternoon Julian Nathan Mount
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf...
Good afternoon John Campbell
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of No...
Good afternoon Adam
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of Norfolk and...
Good afternoon Lee Fairhurst
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of No...
Good afternoon Philip Mansfield
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of...
Good afternoon Arthur Lightfoot
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of...
Good afternoon Beth Pearson
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of Norfolk and...
Good afternoon Richard Brown
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of No...
Good afternoon Sandra Butcher
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of N...
Good afternoon Jonathan Potter
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of Norfolk...
Good morning Sid Ryan
Further to the below the ICB would appreciate clarification on Q2.
Is Q2 asking for the overall volume of activity provided o...
Good morning Rachel Billing
Further to the below the ICB has asked if you would clarify ‘family
support contracts/services’.
Once clarifie...
Good afternoon William Wetherell
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf o...
FOI Reference: 72403
Dear Andrew Redman
I acknowledge receipt of your FOI req...