Care homes and the coronavirus
Dear Nottinghamshire County Council,
I wish to make a Freedom of information request.
Please provide all emails about COVID-19 between this council and these care home providers:
- HC-One
- Four Seasons
- Barchester
- Bupa
- Care UK
- Renaissance
Please also provide all emails about COVID-19 between this council and all local authority-run care homes.
As a timeframe, please carry out a search between 1st February and 7th May.
Jack Everett
Dear Jack Everett
Thank you for your request for information relating to emails between the Council and named care home providers. Your request was received on 11th May, and we are dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Information requests during Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
We will try to respond to information requests and where possible within time frames (within 20 working days beginning the day following receipt of your request). However, the Council needs to prioritise its staff and resources on the delivery of key services, this means that some responses may be delayed. The Information Commissioner recognises this, and has given guidance on the website
For your information, the Act defines a number of exemptions which may prevent release of the information you have requested. There will be an assessment and if any of the exemption categories apply then the information will not be released. You will be informed if this is the case, including your rights of appeal. You should receive a response to your Freedom of Information Request by 10th June.
In some circumstances a fee may be payable to cover the cost of copying and postage and if that is the case we will let you know before we proceed with your request.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Further information about your rights is also available from the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 54 57 45
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Act Team
Chief Executives Department
Nottinghamshire County Council
Dear Requester,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request.
The councils response is as follows:
Please provide all emails about COVID-19 between this council and these
care home providers:
- HC-One
- Four Seasons
- Barchester
- Bupa
- Care UK
- Renaissance
We Provide daily communications to all providers via the following link :
We also send weekly bulletins to 9 HC1 locations on our dbase, 6 Four
Seasons and 4 Barchester. Please see attached documents.
Unfortunately we are unable to provide copies of all emails between
Nottinghamshire County Council and the care home providers as the task of
collating these emails from all the different service areas would exceed
the appropriate limit allowed under FOI. Therefore we are exempting this
under Section 12 of the FOIA.
Please also provide all emails about COVID-19 between this council and all
local authority-run care homes. We have no County Council run Care Homes.
As a timeframe, please carry out a search between 1st February and 7th
I hope this now satisfies your request, and should you have any further
enquiries please do not hesitate to contact me directly on the details
In addition to this and for future reference Nottingham County Council
regularly publishes previous FOIR,s and answers on its website, under
Disclosure logs. (see link)
You can use the search facility using keywords.
If you wish to raise any concerns about the way your request was dealt
with, then please write to the Team Manager, Complaints and Information,
County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP or e-mail
[3][Nottinghamshire County Council request email] quoting the reference number above.
Kind Regards
Complaints, Information & Mediation Officer.
Complaints and Information Team
Chief Executive’s Dept
Nottinghamshire County Council
County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP
Tel: 01159 772788
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