Care homes and the coronavirus
Dear North Lincolnshire Council,
I wish to make a Freedom of information request.
Please provide all emails about COVID-19 between this council and these care home providers:
- HC-One
- Four Seasons
- Barchester
- Bupa
- Care UK
- Renaissance
Please also provide all emails about COVID-19 between this council and all local authority-run care homes.
As a timeframe, please carry out a search between 1st February and 7th May.
Jack Everett
Dear Sir/Madam
Ref: 2005021
Thank you for your email dated 7th May 2020. Your enquiry has been sent to the FOI Coordinators to be dealt with.
Your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations may be delayed due to resources being diverted to deal with Public Health priorities.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we do remain committed to responding to your request, and will respond as soon as we are able. Should our response to your request breach the statutory timeframe and you remain unhappy with our response, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office and you can contact them at:
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, Helpline telephone: 0303 123 1113 Website:
Yours Faithfully
Information Governance Team
North Lincolnshire Council
Dear Mr Everett
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request to North Lincolnshire
Council, reference number INF 2005021. Please find our Information
Disclosure letter attached and if I can be of any more assistance with
regard to this request please let me know. Please accept my apologies for
the delay in responding to your request.
Kind Regards
Information Governance Team
North Lincolnshire Council
( 01724 296224
* North Lincolnshire Council, Church Square House, 30-40 High Street
Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN15 6NL
This e-mail expresses the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the view of the Council. Please be aware that anything included in an e-mail may have to be disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act and cannot be regarded as confidential. This communication is intended for the addressee(s) only. Please notify the sender if received in error. All Email is monitored and recorded.
Please think before you print- North Lincolnshire Council greening the workplace.
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