Care homes and the coronavirus

The request was successful.

Dear Croydon Borough Council,

I wish to make a Freedom of information request.

Please provide all emails about COVID-19 between this council and these care home providers:
- HC-One
- Four Seasons
- Barchester
- Bupa
- Care UK
- Renaissance

Please also provide all emails about COVID-19 between this council and all local authority-run care homes.

As a timeframe, please carry out a search between 1st February and 7th May.


Jack Everett

Croydon Council,

FOI/EIR request
Our reference: 2088646

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Croydon Council,

2 Attachments

FOI/EIR request
Our reference: 2088646

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Croydon Council,

1 Attachment

FOI/EIR request
Our reference: 2088646

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