Care Applicants Information

The request was successful.

Dear University of Aberdeen,

Can you please provide the following information

By year from 2016 through the 2021 undergraduate admission cycle the following:

* Number of applicants applying each year who have ticked the time spent in care box on UCAS
* Number of these applicants each year offered an interview (if applicable)
* Number of these applicants each year offered a place
* Number of these applicants enrolling each year at your institution

Yours faithfully,

C. Swanson

Foi, University of Aberdeen

Dear C Swanson,
I refer to your email of 10 May and, on behalf of the University, I acknowledge receipt and confirm that your request is being dealt with in terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. In terms of the Act, a reply will be sent to you as soon as possible and within the statutory timescales.

Yours sincerely,
Mary Sabiston
Information Compliance Officer
University of Aberdeen

show quoted sections

Foi, University of Aberdeen

1 Attachment

Dear C Swanson,


I refer to your email of 10 May 2022 requesting information relating to care applicants.

Your request has now been considered under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, ‘the Act’.

By year from 2016 through the 2021 undergraduate admission cycle the following:

* Number of applicants applying each year who have ticked the time spent in care box on UCAS
* Number of these applicants each year offered an interview (if applicable)
* Number of these applicants each year offered a place
* Number of these applicants enrolling each year at your institution

Please see the attached pdf for the information you have requested.

The information has been provided by School and the abbreviations used are as follows:

DHPA – Divinity, History, Philosophy and Art History
LLMVC – Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
MMSN – Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
NCS – Natural and Computing Sciences

Should you be dissatisfied with this response, you have the right to request a review. A request for review must be made within 40 working days of the receipt of this reply. It must include your name and address for correspondence and specify the request for information and the grounds for dissatisfaction with the decision. Please send your request for review to [University of Aberdeen request email].

If you are unhappy with the outcome of the University’s internal review, you have the right to appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner within six months of the receipt of the University’s review response. Details on how to make an appeal to the Commissioner are available at Should you be dissatisfied with the Commissioner’s decision, you have a right of appeal to the Court of Session on a point of law.

Yours sincerely,
Mary Sabiston
Information Compliance Officer
University of Aberdeen

show quoted sections

Dear Foi,

Thank you for this data. My apologies If this was unclear but could you provide the information for the cycle ending 2016 ie 2015-2016 too.

Many thanks

Yours sincerely,

C. Swanson

Foi, University of Aberdeen

Dear C. Swanson,

I will contact the relevant departments and I will be in touch as soon as possible and within the statutory timescales, with the additional information.

Kind regards,

Mary Sabiston
Information Compliance Officer
University of Aberdeen
Sir Duncan Rice Library
Bedford Road
AB24 3AA
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Foi, University of Aberdeen

1 Attachment

Dear C Swanson


Thank you for your request for information.


Your request has now been considered under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002, ‘the Act’. Your response can be found below:


By year from 2015 through the 2016 undergraduate admission cycle the


* Number of applicants applying each year who have ticked the time spent
in care box on UCAS

* Number of these applicants each year offered an interview (if

* Number of these applicants  each year offered a place

* Number of these applicants enrolling each year at your institution


Please find attached the information you requested in the document FOI
2022 157 Figures


The information has been provided by School and the abbreviations used are
as follows:


DHPA – Divinity, History, Philosophy and Art History LLMVC – Language,
Literature, Music and Visual Culture

MMSN – Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition          

NCS – Natural and Computing Sciences


I hope the information is helpful.


Should you be dissatisfied with this response, you have the right under
the Act to request a review.  A request for review must be made within 40
working days of the date of this reply. It must include your name and
address for correspondence and specify the request for information and the
grounds for dissatisfaction with the decision. Please send your request
for review to our mailbox, [1][University of Aberdeen request email]. The University will respond
to your request for a review within 20 working days of receipt of your


If you are unhappy with the outcome of the University’s internal review,
you have the right to appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner
within six months of the date of receipt of the University’s review
notice. Details on how to make an appeal to the Commissioner are
 available at [2] Should you remain
dissatisfied with the Commissioner’s decision, you have a right of appeal
to the Court of Session on a point of law.


Kind Regards




Claire Barranger-Clark


Information Governance Officer

University of Aberdeen


The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No
Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir.


Visible links
1. mailto:[University of Aberdeen request email]