Care Applicants Information
Dear Warwickshire College Group,
Can you please provide the following information
By year from 2016 through the 2021 undergraduate admission cycle the following:
* Number of applicants applying each year who have ticked the time spent in care box on UCAS
* Number of these applicants each year offered an interview (if applicable)
* Number of these applicants each year offered a place
* Number of these applicants enrolling each year at your institution
Yours faithfully,
C. Swanson
Good morning
Thank you for your request for information, received on 10 May 2022 at
16:38 by email.
I can confirm, on behalf of WCG, the following information:
WCG does not hold data for the academic years 2015-16 or 2016-17.
* Number of applicants applying each year who have ticked the time spent
in care box on UCAS - Response: 2017-18 (intake 2018) = 2; 2018-19 (intake
2019) = 10; 2019-20 (intake 2020) = 13; 2020-21 (intake 2021) = 16
* Number of these applicants each year offered an interview (if
applicable) - Response: 2017-18 (intake 2018) = Not recorded; 2018-19
(intake 2019) = 2 ; 2019-20 (intake 2020) = 4; 2020-21 (intake 2021) = 8
* Number of these applicants each year offered a place - Response: 2017-18
(intake 2018) = 1; 2018-19 (intake 2019) = 6; 2019-20 (intake 2020) = 8;
2020-21 (intake 2021) = 11
* Number of these applicants enrolling each year at your
institution - Response: 2017-18 (intake 2018) = 1; 2018-19 (intake 2019)
= 5; 2019-20 (intake 2020) = 6; 2020-21 (intake 2021) = 5
Please note in respect to the above figures:
1. an interview is not applicable for some courses;
2. some students may apply for two courses and may be offered a place on
both, although may only enrol on one or neither;
3. some students may apply for a course, but not be offered a place on
that course. However, on receiving information, advice and guidance they
may enrol on an alternative course.
In the event you are not satisfied with WCG's response or the way in which
your request has been dealt with you will find the 'Information Rights
Appeal Procedure' available on our Publication Scheme under the
heading 'Our policies and
procedures': [1]
Kind Regards
Ms Lynda Cross
Data Protection & Freedom of Information Officer
T: 07858 300 228
My office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm.
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