Carbon Reduction information relating to travel

The request was partially successful.

Dear The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust,

(1) What is the current carbon reduction strategy and policy for your Trust relating to transport used by staff? Please supply a copy of your transport policy.
(2) What proportion of staff in community services travelled by public transport, walking or by bicycle in 2019? (Please provide documentation excel format)
(3) What was the spending on mileage for staff travelling by car in 2019 (please include spending on commute and spending on travel within shifts separately if possible) (Please provide documentation excel format)
(4) What was the spending on mileage for staff travelling by public transport in 2019 (please include spending on commute and spending on travel within shifts separately if possible)? Please provide documentation excel format)

Yours faithfully,

B Beckett

Foi (THE CLATTERBRIDGE CANCER CENTRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST), The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust

1 Attachment

Dear B Beckett,


Re: Freedom of Information Request

Ref: 11-2020

Thank you for your email dated 11^th January 2020 requesting information
regarding Carbon Reduction information relating to travel.

Your request is being treated as a new request under the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 and will be answered within twenty working
days i.e. by no later than 7^th February 2020.


If you have any queries about this request please do not hesitate to
contact me.  Please remember to quote the reference number above in any
future communications.


Kind Regards,


Michelle Pennington

Document Control Manager & Freedom of Information Lead

Twitter: @CCCNHS




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Foi (THE CLATTERBRIDGE CANCER CENTRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST), The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust

5 Attachments

Dear B Beckett,


Re: Freedom of Information Request

Ref: 11-2020

Thank you for your email dated 11^th January 2020 requesting information
regarding Carbon Reduction information relating to travel.

Please find attached:


1)    Our Response Letter

2)    Travel & Subsistence Allowances Policy V3.0

3)    Question 3 Response Spreadsheet

4)    Question 4 Response Spreadsheet


In order for us to ensure customer satisfaction and to monitor compliance
with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we would be grateful if you
could take a couple of minutes to complete a short feedback form via the
link below:




Kind Regards,


Andrew Ivers

Information Governance Manager (Data Protection Officer)

Tel:  0151 556 5844




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