Car parking charges - policy and accounts
Dear Sir or Madam,
According to the FAQ about the University travel plan:
"All monies received from car parking charges will be re-invested in Travel Plan initiatives and car park management."
Can you please send me all the documents relating to this stated policy, including the accounts of all income from car parking since its introduction in 2007 as well as the expenditure of that income.
I am sending this to you as the Data Protection officer as there appears to be no central Freedom of Information contact email, unlike most other universities.
Yours faithfully,
Julian Todd
Dear Julian
Could you please let me have a postal address to send the documentation
you requested. I cannot send it electronically.
Yours sincerely
Mr Kevan Ryan
Head of Legal Services
University of Liverpool
Foundation Building
765 Brownlow Hill
Liverpool L69 7ZX
Tel: 0151 794 2110
Fax: 0151 794 2828
Dear Ryan, Kevan,
Thank you for your reply.
I have been reminded that under Section 11 of the FOI Act I can express a preference for the communication to be sent electronically by email after, for example, you have scanned the pages in.
Yours sincerely,
Julian Todd.
Dear Mr Todd
I note your preference to be sent the information electronically but
unfortunately this is not practicable for the University due to lack of
scanning facilities within the legal department. Accordingly, please
provide me with a postal address and I will post the documentation to you.
Your sincerely
Kevan Ryan
From: Julian Todd [mailto:[FOI #253 email]]
Sent: 14 May 2008 12:37
To: Stinson, Iain
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - Car parking charges - policy
and accounts
Dear Ryan, Kevan,
Thank you for your reply.
I have been reminded that under Section 11 of the FOI Act I can
express a preference for the communication to be sent
by email after, for example, you have scanned the pages in.
Yours sincerely,
Julian Todd.
Mr Kevan Ryan
Head of Legal Services
University of Liverpool
Foundation Building
765 Brownlow Hill
Liverpool L69 7ZX
Tel: 0151 794 2110
Fax: 0151 794 2828
Dear Ryan, Kevan,
Thank you for your reply.
You have explained that it is not practicable for the University to provide the information in the preferred form (electronically) owing to the lack of scanning facilities within the legal department.
I am happen to be familiar with the University and am aware that scanning facilities are widely available throughout the establishment.
Nevertheless, I would be willing to loan you a scanner at your convenience any time from Monday for a week if you tell me when you will be in. Otherwise, I can order one for the permanent use of the legal department as the equipment is available for as little as 36 pounds and will contribute to the convenience and satisfaction of other Freedom of Information requests that you may receive in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Julian Todd.
You recently sent me the following message:
Dear Ryan, Kevan,
Thank you for your reply.
You have explained that it is not practicable for the University to
provide the information in the preferred form (electronically) owing
to the lack of scanning facilities within the legal department.
I am happen to be familiar with the University and am aware that
scanning facilities are widely available throughout the establishment.
Nevertheless, I would be willing to loan you a scanner at your
convenience any time from Monday for a week if you tell me when you
will be in. Otherwise, I can order one for the permanent use of the
legal department as the equipment is available for as little as 36
pounds and will contribute to the convenience and satisfaction of
other Freedom of Information requests that you may receive in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Julian Todd.
You need to send this to Mr Ryan not to me. I forwarded your original request to him and he replied to you - please discuss the matter with him.
Iain Stinson
Computing Services Department
The University of Liverpool
PO Box 147
Liverpool L69 3BX
Telephone: 0151 794 3716
Fax: 0151 794 3759
Dear Mr Todd
I refer to our recent correspondence on the above matter. As requested, I
enclose the available documentation (set out below) in electronic copy:
1- University Travel Plan dated 24^th October 2005
2- University Parking Policy dated 26^th March 2008-05-20
3- Report on Proposed Budget Management for Parking and Travel Plan
dated April 2008-05-19
4- Travel Plan Board Income & Expenditure report to 31^st March 08
5- Draft Public Transport /Cycling Action Plan
Please note, the University does not have audited accounts specifically on
this subject and it is unlikely that it will do at any time in the future.
You will be aware that the University's accounts are published annually
and available via its website.
Yours sincerely
Kevan Ryan
[1][FOI #253 email]
Mr Kevan Ryan
Head of Legal Services
University of Liverpool
Foundation Building
765 Brownlow Hill
Liverpool L69 7ZX
Tel: 0151 794 2110
Fax: 0151 794 2828
Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #253 email]
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