Car history

The request was refused by Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.

Dear Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, I believe that my car had been in an accident before I purchased the car from a Mercedes dealership.

Yours faithfully,

will Graham

FOI, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency

Dear Mr Graham

The information you have requested is considered to be your personal information. In this case, the FOIA is not the most appropriate method to use.

Details about how best to request your personal data under Article 15 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) is available via the following link:
Make a subject access request to DVLA - GOV.UK (

You may also find it helpful to know that the DVLA has many services for customers to access information online.

For Vehicle enquiries:
For Driver enquiries:

Within the provisions of the FOIA, I can advise you that because the information you have requested is considered to be personal information, the duty to confirm or deny whether the information is held does not apply by virtue of section 40(5)(A) of the FOIA. This should not be taken as evidence that the information you requested does or does not exist.

Information released by the DVLA under the FOIA is considered to be information disclosed into the public domain. By releasing the personal data of an individual into the public domain, the DVLA would be in breach of data protection law.


Freedom of Information Team
Strategy, Policy and Communications Directorate | C2E |  DVLA | Swansea | SA6 7JL

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