Canis brucella testing

john eddy made this Freedom of Information request to Animal and Plant Health Agency Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear Animal and Plant Health Agency,

Please can you tell me breaking down questions 1 – 7 by the time periods:

• From 15.07.2023 – 31.12.2023 (inclusive)
• From 01.01.2024 – 15.04.2024 (inclusive)
1. How many incidents of laboratory error (e.g., faulty reagent, manual data error, etc) have been identified by the APHA laboratories since 15.07.2023?
2. What was the cause of each of the incidents (e.g., manual data entry error, faulty reagent, etc).
3. Of these, how many (case + sum of individual dog(s)) involved the:
3.1. iELISA
3.2. SAT

3.3. RSA

3.4. Other

4. For each incident, how many individual dogs were affected?
5. In each case, how many of the dogs were falsely identified as positive on a test when they were actually negative?
6. In each case, how many of the dogs were falsely identified as negative on a test when they were actually positive?
7. How many dogs are you aware of that have died as a consequence of these errors?
8. What is your known error rate per test (known individual dog errors divided by total number of tests undertaken of that type)? Splitting down the data by the following tests: RSA, SAT, iELISA, Other, please answer this based on:
8.1. 2023
8.2. 2024 (up until 15.04.2024)

Yours faithfully,

APHA Access to Information Team (ATI),

Our ref: FOI2024/08419

Dear John Eddy

Thank you for your email which we received on the 16th April requesting
information. Your request is being considered in respect to the access to
information legislation.

We aim to answer your request no later than 15th May, which is 20 working
days from the date we received it. If we are unable to meet this deadline
we will contact you to explain the reason.

If you have any queries about this email, please contact us at the email
address below.

Yours sincerely

Access to Information Team

[1][Animal and Plant Health Agency request email]


Visible links
1. mailto:[Animal and Plant Health Agency request email]

APHA Access to Information Team (ATI),

1 Attachment

Dear John Eddy,

Please find attached the response to your request of 16th April for
information on Brucella canis testing.

Yours sincerely

Access to Information Team

[1][Animal and Plant Health Agency request email]


Visible links
1. mailto:[Animal and Plant Health Agency request email]