Our ref: FOI/1615
By Email: [FOI #1075748 email]
Dear Ben Holdsworth
Our ref: FOI/2320
By Email: [FOI #1183905 email]
Dear Hareem Ali
Our ref: FOI/1406
By Email: [FOI #1041738 email]
Dear Oliver Caswell
1) In the past 6 months, what was the number of patients treated with a combination of Dabrafenib + Trametinib for the following conditions:
A) Metast...
1) In the past 6 months, what was the number of patients treated with a combination of Dabrafenib + Trametinib for the following conditions:
A) Metast...
1) In the past 6 months, what was the number of patients treated with a combination of Dabrafenib + Trametinib for the following conditions:
A) Metast...
1) In the past 6 months, what was the number of patients treated with a combination of Dabrafenib + Trametinib for the following conditions:
A) Metast...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Dear Ben Holdsworth,
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
We apologise for any inconvenience you might have experienced...
Dear Ben,
Further to your Freedom of Information request, please find our response
letter attached.
Kind regards,
Alastair Williams
FOI Team
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Dear Mr Holdsworth
Please find attached our response.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Inform...
FoI request re: Cancer treatment using specified products
Ref: 24-BH-1007
Dear Ben Holdsworth,
Thank you for your request for information...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...
Could you please provide answers to the following questions, with regards to treatments with the specified products:
1) in the past 6 months, how man...