Can you prove?

Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service did not have the information requested.


Under the freedom of information Act, I request the following please;

1.Evidence that CAFCASS make sure children are safe and that decisions taken are in their best interests as shown on @mycafcass twitter page

2.The number of complaints received for 2012-2013.

3.The individually number of complaints that have reached stage 2 and stage 3, also indicating the numbers of complaints that have progressed from stage 2 to stage 3 also and also the number that have not progressed past stage 2.

4.The number of letters sent by enhanced managers such as Mike Lisser and Philip Durban, regarding genuine and serious complaints that CAFCASS have construed as vexatious.

5.Evidence to show that CAFCASS “work in the best interests of the children”.

6.Number of cases that CAFCASS have documented “indirect contact” as a positive outcome.

7.The number of FOI requests that CAFCASS have responded to with “Cafcass does not keep that information” or similar content.

8.The number of adoptions CAFCASS has recommended for 2012-2013

9.The number of adoptions carried out by CAFCASS in 2012-2013.

10.A copy of the national standards that CAFCASS are currently working to.

11.The salaries paid to FJYPB.

12.A copy of CAFCASS’ complaints policy (not procedure)

I look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours faithfully,

David Darby

Governance - Cafcass, Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service

1 Attachment

Dear Mr. Darby,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Please find attached our formal acknowledgement of your Freedom of Information request.

Kind regards,

Governance Team
[email address]

show quoted sections

Claire Brett left an annotation ()

Mr Darby

I am looking forward to Cafcass response to your request. Should be interesting.



Dave Darby (Account suspended) left an annotation ()


Having dealt with their incompetence for a few years, it is fully expected that they will reply to my requests with "CAFCASS does not keep that information". Its basically their way of hiding their mistakes and child abuse.

Claire Brett left an annotation ()

Hi Dave

Thanks for feedback & what you feel the answer will come back as from the wonderful (NOT) Cafcass. I too can never get straight forward answers, drives me insane. I am at present waiting on outcome of compliant I made against my case officer.



Dave Darby (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Hi Claire.
So you're waiting for an outcome on a complaint against an officer. Well having come across hundreds of people that complain against their incompetent officers, the general opinion is that they've wasted their time. Cafcass will always protect their own and will close rank on you. If you proceed to a stage two complaint, this will usually get ignored. If you're lucky enough to take this to stage 3, the ombudsman, the ombudsman will tell you that they are kept extremely busy with complaints against cafcass, that's if you ask of course. You'll then get a letter back from them saying that cafcass have acted accordingly. If you then file a complaint again, Mike Lisser social worker number:SW34324 or Philip Andrew Durban social worker number:SW29168, will write back and say that such complaints are vexatious.
Complaints against Cafcass are a waste of time. This incomptent child abusing organisation are pretty much untouchable. No MP wants to take account of this failing organisation.

I personally recommend that everyone that has to deal with their incompetencies, names and shames then publicly as I have.


Claire Brett left an annotation ()

Hi Dave

Thank you for that information, very useful. I have tried & tried with our case officer but she is impossible, aggressive, rude, abrupt, etc & we have to keep a tight lip when their being like this towards you. Had enough of her lieing without any evidence to back up what she says. Thankfully I do have evidence of my complaint against her so see what happens. If they try to shut the door in my face then NO I will not sit back & let it go. Rubbish they write about you is unbelievable & we are meant to just take it. Person she describes I don't even begin to recognise. My court case is still live so I'm careful as to what I will write. Cafcass have got to be made accountable for what they write when there is no bases behind it, Its all basically based on in 'my opinion' 'my feeling is','third party acknowledged (not agreed with Cafcass)what I was saying' Considering other Cafcass officers I have had assigned to my case in the pass have said the total opposite of what this one is saying then how does that make any sense ?.I have yet to come across from reading hundreds of online Parent's posts that have had a good word to say about Cafcass. Surely that speaks volumnes.


Dave Darby (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Hi Claire.

I find their incompetence to deal with such simply matters extremely alarming and how these people got through University to get their social work degrees, really baffles me.
What you'll also find is that these so called professionals, many don't have their own kids. So on that basis, how the hell can they even think to work in the best interests of the children? I know, I'll read a book or two and watch a few videos, I'll then become educated in how to deal with children....sound familiar Cafcass?

You might find this interesting Claire...

The whole organisation needs to be shut down and those involved, Anthony Douglas, Christine Banim...just to name a few, need to come out into the public and admit their failings to the children and why they've abused them.

Cafcass; an organisation that claims to work in the best interests of the children yet has no evidence to support this farcical claim.

Vincent Dominic Callaghan, Norwich Cafcass Service Manager...a man that lied in court reports, a man that abuses a child's rights and a man that changes his mind in terms of contact. More importantly, a man that has destroyed my son Tommi Cayden Darby, life.

You MUST record these people Claire!

Claire Brett left an annotation ()

Hi Dave
I am becoming more & more frustrated with these people. Agree all their reading is text book...They have no insight what-so-ever into how a child's mind works...Let alone one with learning difficulties...Have the audacity to dare undermine medical professionals reports...Saying in Cafcass 'opinion' (that word again)Child can express their 'wishes & feelings'...Read some of the reports from link you gave me, very sad...Surely there as to be a voice out there somewhere to investigate this sham of an organisation...I have been informed by Cafcass that although they don't have a policy to say no to recording interviews with Children, surprise, surprise, 'This would not be seen as acting in the Child's best interest'...& would not do the interview at their offices...I said 'Come to my home then so I can have on record a recording' (apparently they cant refuse to a recording in your own home) I was then seen as being obstructive & had huge fall out over this & Cafcass made excuses not to come to my home & with court hearing getting nearer I was advised by my Solicitor to go to their offices for interview because of how they will then paint you out to be, you have no choice but go, I was livid...Judge doesn't get to hear all the in between bits that go on with Cafcass...That's why I put complaint in because I know that is forwarded onto the Judge...


Dave Darby (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Hi Claire.

You have a legal right to record any conversation. Cafcass do not like this because you then have proof of what they've assured they may go back on what they've said during the interview. I found this letter to my court that they sent...

The Court Manager
Norwich County Court

Rosebery Court
Central Avenue
St Andrews Business Park
Tel: 0844 353 3750
Fax: 0844 353 3751
Dear Sirs
Re: David Darby
Court Reference: NRxxxxx
This matter is listed for a directions hearing on Thursday 30 August 2012. I am writing to
bring an issue to your attention, which I hope the court will be able to consider at this hearing.
Mr Darby has stated that he intends to make recordings of all communication he has with Cafcass. Whilst I appreciate that this may be promoted by Mr Darby's feelings of mistrust in relation to Cafcass (the court will be aware from previous 'complaint' correspondence of the issues that have been raised by him) I am concerned that Mr Darby's stance on this, places the guardian in an invidious position.
There is potential for any recordings of interviews made to be digitally altered and used to misrepresent the guardian's comments or questions in interview. In addition if Mr Darby intends to file the recordings within the proceedings, the court may feel it
necessary to form a view as to the status of the recordings, particularly if no such recordings exist of any interviews with the other party, or the child in the case.
If Mr Darby continues to require all communications with Cafcass to be recorded, it may be practical for the court to establish some mutually acceptable parameters around this to prevent the misuse of the recordings. If this is not possible, it may be that the
guardian will not be able to fulfil her duties in respect of the 16.4 appointment.

Thank you in advance for consideration of this matter.
Yours Sincerely
Sarah Parsons
Head of Service

I highly recommend that EVERYONE records these farcical incompetent child abusing twats.


Claire Brett left an annotation ()

Evening Dave

Just goes to show why they are so against recorded interviews...They know full well that their so called reports written on our Children's behalf are a load of lies...True interpretation would be that Cafcass would edit the recording to suit what they want heard in Court...Their needs to be an unbiased third party who is witness to a recording & taking notes...That way no-one is accused although only ones lying are of course Cafcass...What are they so afraid of, easy the Truth!!! When do you ever hear of not having a third party present for extremely important interviews especially with Children...Standard practice by authoriaties unless its Cafcass...


Governance - Cafcass, Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service

3 Attachments

Dear Mr. Darby,

Please find attached our formal response to your Freedom of Information

Kind regards,

Governance Team


[1][email address]

show quoted sections

Dear Governance - Cafcass,

So just to clarify item 11.
11.The salaries paid to FJYPB.

We pay each member £8.08 for each hour of work. A full day is £40.00.
We also cover their travel and expenses.

So by paying members of the FJYPB £8.08ph + travel and expenses, this means that they are on your payroll so therefore effectively working for Cafcass. That's very interesting that....yet you have claimed within the last few months and so has a member of the FJYPB, that the FJYPB don't work for Cafcass! Clearly they do.

So what is it...lying to me within FOI request or lying to me in person. Just for the record, and I'm sure you've seen the video, I do have a member of the FJYPB claiming they do not work for Cafcass!

So under the Freedom of Information, as you have clearly stated you pay the FJYPB £8.08ph + travel and expenses, can you please confirm that they do in fact, work for Cafcass!

Yours sincerely,

[Name Removed]

Dear Governance - Cafcass,

I ask AGAIN.

So just to clarify item 11.
11.The salaries paid to FJYPB.

We pay each member £8.08 for each hour of work. A full day is
We also cover their travel and expenses.

So by paying members of the FJYPB £8.08ph + travel and expenses, this means that they are on your payroll so therefore effectively working for Cafcass. That's very interesting that....yet you have claimed within the last few months and so has a member of the FJYPB, that the FJYPB don't work for Cafcass! Clearly they do.

So what is it...lying to me within FOI request or lying to me in person. Just for the record, and I'm sure you've seen the video, I do have a member of the FJYPB claiming they do not work for Cafcass!

So under the Freedom of Information, as you have clearly stated you pay the FJYPB £8.08ph + travel and expenses, can you please confirm that they do in fact, work for Cafcass!

Yours sincerely,

[Name Removed]

Dear Governance - Cafcass,

Are you going to answer my last message? Or do you not like being exposed as incompetent liars by the likes of myself again?
I must remind you that you are breaking the law by not doing so and also showing the public your incompetence.

Just for the general public that may read this message, CAFCASS are a lying failing organisation that claims to work in the best interests of the children yet has no evidence to support this farcical claim. If you are unfortunate enough to deal with these, you MUST RECORD every conversation you have with them, be it in person or on the phone to cover your own back. Try to deal with them by email ONLY. You will discover that CAFCASS are also an organisation that freely commit perjury and lie in court knowing full well that they fear no reprisals. Be prepared for saying goodbye to your children...I did!

Yours sincerely,

[Name Removed]

Governance - Cafcass, Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service

Dear Mr Darby,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Please see below for clarification of item number 11:

As you will see in the Action Plan for the Family Justice Board ( ), the FJYPB is a sub-group of the Family Justice Board.

Cafcass commissions services from the FJYPB, at the rates set out in the response. The FJYPB undertake work for the Family Justice system as a whole and may be commissioned to undertake work from any other agency in the system.

This does not constitute an employment relationship. Their expenses are processed within the payroll system to ensure any tax payable is collected and so ensure the correct amount is paid to individuals. This does not affect their status as individuals providing a service to Cafcass and neither does this imply or create an employment relationship with Cafcass.

We hope this answers your question.

Kind regards,

Governance Team
[email address]

show quoted sections

Dave Darby (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

In 2012-2013, there were 1496 complaints raised. Most of these were dismissed as vexaitious and only 8 reached stage 2 and of that 8, 4 of those reached stage 3. Shocking figures really and once again it shows that Cafcass are not dealing with their complaints in an appropriate manner. The likes of Philip Durban and Michael Lisser clearly do not care about people raising very serious issues about the incompetence of CAFCASS.

CAFCASS have once again proved that working in the best interests of the children is utter nonsense. Surely evidence would have been kept!

CAFCASS chooses not to keep information that is derogatory towards itself.


CAFCASS does not have a complaints policy available for viewing.

CAFCASS also claim, as shown in previous documentation, that the FJYPB, do actually work for CAFCASS and are in fact paid £8.08 by them. The FJYPB do also have CAFCASS email address. However, CAFCASS later say that the FJYPB are not employed by CAFCASS.

CAFCASS have also stated in many cases I've been involved in, that indirect contact is deemed as a positive..better than nothing I often hear. I guess it's more positive than no contact, even though a child not being able to see their others parent is damaging to their welfare.

CAFCASS are also an organisation where their family court advisors and in some cases, service managers like Vincent Dominic Callaghan, like to try and play qualified Doctors by making farcical attempts of medical prognosis and clincial diagnosis', that one of the parents obviously has a mental condition. It's all too frequent!

For an Organisation that claims to work in the best interests of the children, surely they'd have evidence to support this. Surely they'd be operating to national standards. Surely they'd be keeping the outcome of court cases on record.

So the conclusion on this, once again clarifies that CAFCASS are liars and do not know what they are doing.

S. Prichard (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

keep me in the loop - FAF - just done one similar re denial

Dr Mel Semple left an annotation ()

Hi Dave,
This is hugely interesting and not, sadly, unusual. I'm just finishing writing up a 2 years research on Cafcass that is not favourable towards them. I too have asked many FOI and it's quite outstanding their responses. Would you mind if I used some of this correspondence please?
Many thanks


Dave Darby (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Hi Mel.

By all means, please use whatever you feel is necessary. I have further stuff on CAFCASS in letters, especially where they are worried about me 'recording them' and suggesting that I may 'digitally alter' said I also have stuff from where he threatens me with the Police, to which I respond, "you go ahead pal and I'll take for perjury....never did hear back strangely enough. Not that I'm bothered by a pathetic threat by CAFCASS what so ever.

Oh, and don't ask me about the vexatious letters and send out all too regularly to hide up CAFCASS' incompetence.

Dr Mel Semple left an annotation ()

Hi Dave,
Many thanks for that and I'll keep you posted!

Dave Darby (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Hi Mel.

Dear Sirs

Re: David Darby
Court Reference: NR12xxxxxx

This matter is listed for a directions hearing on Thursday 30 August 2012. I am writing to bring an issue to your attention, which I hope the court will be able to consider at this hearing.

Mr Darby has stated that he intends to make recordings of all communication he has with Cafcass . Whilst I appreciate that this may be promoted by Mr Darby's feelings of mistrust in relation to Cafcass (the court will be aware from previous 'complaint ' correspondence of the issues that have been raised by him) I am concerned that Mr Darby's stance on this , places the guardian in an invidious position.

There is potential for any recordings of interviews made to be digitally altered and used to misrepresent the guardian 's comments or questions in interview . In addition if Mr Darby intends to file the recordings within the proceedings , the court may feel it necessary to form a view as to the status of the recordings , particularly if no such recordings exist of any interviews with the other party , or the child in the case.

If Mr Darby continues to require all communications with Cafcass to be recorded , it may be practical for the court to establish some mutually acceptable parameters around this to prevent the misuse of the recordings. If this is not possible , it may be that the guardian will not be able to fulfil her duties in respect of the 16.4 appointment.

Thank you in advance for consideration of this matter.

Yours Sincerely

Sarah Parsons
Head of Service.


Dr Mel Semple left an annotation ()

Hi Dave,
Thanks for that - what was the outcome?

Dave Darby (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Hi Mel.

I only discovered this letter to the court after I made a SAR from Cafcass. I thought that any documentation sent to the court from any party involved in the case, has to send documentation to all parties involved...clearly wasn't. Nothing has happened, wasn't even mentioned in court and besides, I have a right to record conversations and I stick by that and I promote this to people.
Sorry CAFCASS, but it is NOT an offence to record people and with your terrible background, it is advisable that EVERY parent that has to deal with you, should be made fully aware that they can record the conversation, both in your premises and in the parents own homes. This is clearly "IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILDREN".

I withdrew from proceedings shortly after being screwed by Cafcass' lies and incompetence and after receiving a psychological assessment that offered no equality and was incredibly bias.

Stuart Maskery left an annotation ()


Did you actually read through the Management Framework Documentation you received as section 7.7 clearly says:-

"CMS contains a reporting function which allows staff to compile and analyse case data from across
the whole country. The reporting function can be tailored to produce in-depth reports on national
data right through to service area and team-specific data. Area Performance Summaries are
produced on a monthly basis to provide Assistant Directors and Heads of Service with a detailed
picture of their Service Area’s performance, allowing them to identify strengths and areas for
improvement. Training is available for managers on how to make the most effective use of the data

Given the constant refusals to give you statistical data I would file an appeal using that paragraph or take it straight to the Information Commissioners office.

Dave Darby (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

As you know Stuart, those incompetent child abusing pigs claim not to store various information...I say rubbish! It's a known fact that this farcical organisation doesn't like publishing negative or derogatory comments about itself... aka Governmental cover-ups.

Slightly off the topic a bit. I get quite a few emails each week containing letters and reports from Cafcass service users that are being stitched up and lied about by Cafcass. The latest farcical section 7 report says that father has PTSD because he has two padlocks on his gate and also a comment about 4pints of pasteurised milk and 2 Frijj drinks in his fridge.... you really couldn't script this!
I could write a book on Cafcass' comical additions in some of their reports.
If it's not Philip Durban writing letters containing the the word 'vexatious', it's hilarious section 7 reports. However, I shouldn't laugh as these horrendous additions are destroying childrens lives.

Oh, ... still lying I take it?

S. Prichard (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

I have heard it all now - one of my cases a parent was told "blowing bubbles" was a concern - but had no concerns of what the child was saying about being abused.

we should all create a book 101 reasons for emotional abuse by CAFCASS and social workers - it might be better placed in the joke book section

Sandra Jackson left an annotation ()

My son currently has a complaint being processed about the fact that at least FOUR cafcass officers have ignored a significant conflict of interest which exists and about which he has already made a written complaint (which was also ignored!). There are also other issues about which he is complaining - an email having been tampered with by the Cafcass sender after it was sent, discrimination, data protection irregularities etc etc. These not only breach their own policies it constitutes misconduct in public office. We're waiting for their response which is due by 12.2.15. But whatever the outcome I'm considering taking out a private prosecution on the grounds of perverting the course of justice as well as the misconduct in public office if the Police and CPS won't take action. I was made a party to proceedings when the Judge asked me to attend a hearing my son couldn't make - I think they'll find they will regret that decision!!!

Dave Darby (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Ironic that CAFCASS clearly state the following in their operaing framework guide.

Covert recording:
2.26 Occasionally, service users may covertly record an interview or telephone conversation with a practitioner.
2.27 We should have nothing to fear from covert recording. Our attitude should be, “I am doing my job and I have nothing to hide. I can explain why I said what I said or why I did what I did”. This is within the spirit of transparency in the family courts. We should always be transparent in our work, to meet contemporary expectations, including being able to defend whatever we say or write in a court under cross-examination, because we are working to a professional standard on behalf of a child. In this sense, we should expect that everything we say or write could become public knowledge.
2.28 Some service users ask in advance of an interview whether it can be recorded. Advice on handling advance requests from service users to record interviews is available on the Cafcass Legal intranet page. In cases where no advance request has been made and the practitioner subsequently becomes aware that they have been recorded without their knowledge, they should tell the court. In some cases, however, the practitioner may not become aware of the recording until the service user presents the recording, or a transcript of it, at court. In such situations, the practitioner should make clear to the court that the recording was made without their knowledge. The practitioner may ask for the opportunity to listen to the recording or read the transcript before it is admitted into evidence, if the court is minded to take this step. It is a matter for the court to decide whether the recording or transcript can be included in evidence.
2.29 Service users may also ask practitioners to listen to or watch recordings of others that they have recorded covertly. Such material may consist of:
A. A recording of a contact session with a child without the other party’s knowledge or the consent of the court;
B. A recording of a telephone conversation with the other party or another person;
C. A recording made by concealing a device on a child.

2.30 There are several considerations that should be taken into account by practitioners when offered such material:
A. There is a possibility that recordings may not be authentic, accurate or complete;
B. In accepting the recording, the practitioner may appear to be influenced by one party over another;

SO THEREFORE AND ON THAT BASIS, What is fit for one, MUST be fit for the other. Start recording folks and protecting yourselves!

M M Simmons left an annotation ()

Hi Dave,

I know that name Philip Durban. 18 months i kept a complaint up for trying to get all my files following a SARS request. It was claimed my files the majority of them, had been destroyed when i got to the nitty gritty of complaining. I went to the PHSO in the end, and heard back from Philip who made admin errors in his letter to me and this has all been sent to Court on file by him. It was a few years ago and i had more prioritising matters to attend to by this time to be in a position to respond back. I had been invited to phone him if i was not happy with his review. I could have then gone back through the PHSO but i have to deal with bringing about 2 Cases myself since then and we need sleep in between (something which has become of a bit of a luxury nowadays) Anyway, feel free to contact me if need be. The first GAL in my Case had 'fraud' on my Case btw alongside the second SW.

M M Simmons

L Haggarty left an annotation ()

I have had a huge case involced cafcass, a psichologist and the Police. I discovered a huge corruption in the system, than I recoprded cafcass meetings with my child, psychologist's meeting with my child. Once we were on Court the psuchologist committed serious perjury. I asked all the questions from him what I knew he did talk and asked from my child. he denied all, and on top of it he even stated that the child did not even talk, just was crying for 20 minutes. Once I had the recording certified by the Notary, then paid £700 to the court for the psychologist's given evidence under oath, I reported to the Police by phone. They asked the details, the name of the cafcass officer, name of the court and the judge, name of the psychologist, and they asked me not to go in in person, but wait until they ask me to bring the evidence and they will check it. A week later it happened. The officer did not even listen the recording! the officer did not even read through the typed transcript and was always rushing me and making criss cross comments, then talking on his radio to his boss, who advised him what to do. After not listening the recording, quickly looking a few sentences, he sent me away saying no perjury was committed. After this I reported it to the highest level in the county, but ut could not get through. I raised it on the court, sent the recording, certified transcription of the recording, the paid transcript of the psychologist's oral evidence, and the Judge at the end of the hearing - what was around 12 minutes,: jumped up, said he will not accept the psychologist lied, then ran out from the room. That Judge disappeared from the court after that hearing. It happened in 2015. now it is 2018. I could not get anywhere with it. And as a result of this whole corruption - because the cafcass requested that psychologist to be involved, then the solicitor of the cafcass officer, and the psychologist in the same county was checked by the Police, the whole case was refused, denied, neglected and just pushed down nowhere.

my son and me did not see each other over a year, and my son was even taken out from the UK permanently even he grew up here, because the huge support of the mother. now in the other country my child is really suffering. lived in 5 different plkaces in half year becasue the mother pulled him everywhere. he got into only garde 5 rather than grade 8 - as he should be, and still suffering full with bad grades and marks in school. He even was forced to change 2 schools already in half year by the mother. Now the Police is searching for him, because for 1 year nobody from the family know about him nothing, even the mother's mother, the grandmother. Such a horrible shame, that the cafcass is hugely can commit these type of crimes, and even taking amazing amount of money from the government ruining a child's life. Such a shame on the system! My child fully broken socially and in his mind. he asked for help for years, but seen what was going on and gave up, and needed to deny his father. Him, who lived with me for many years a so happy life. I am a music teacher and a secondary school teacher with excellent results, feedbacks and success working in many schools, special units. Such a shame. And I will get a bottom of it however it takes me in my life.