CAMHS Referrals by Non-Primary Care Giving Parents

The request was successful.

Dear Grampian Health Board,

NHS Scotland will be aware that complex family breakdowns can lead to children being separated from one of their parents, whilst that separated parent still has obligations and a duty of care to their child under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995.

NHS Scotland could imagine a situation where a non-primary caregiving parent is separated by their child by a process of hearsay evidence being accumulated by a local authority social work department system. Such population of social work systems could have occurred through the actions of an Inter-Agency Discussion (a so called IRD) which is a non-statutory (REFERENCE THE FOISA FROM THE SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT) meeting between Police Scotland, the local authority Social Work Department and potentially other agencies. Social work systems could also be populated with false information coming from the Police Scotland interim Vulnerable Persons Database (iVPD) and other voluntary organisations.

A non-primary caregiving parent may have significant and severe child protection concerns pertaining to their child and the actions and conduct of the now primary care giving parent.

NHS Scotland could imagine that the non-primary caregiving parent could have significant evidence associated with sexual impropriety of the now primary care giving parent during the course of their employment.

Earlier issues with a child reported on social work systems may suggest that a child was being coercively controlled by the now caregiving parent and there may be concerns around sexual abuse, due to allegations of the child acting out sexual conduct on another child, which was investigated by the police and although no disclosure was made, the investigating officer was convinced beyond doubt that the child had experienced sexual abuse from the now primary caregiving parent.

The non-primary caregiving parent may believe that aspects of coercion mechanisms described in the Biderman Chart are being employed and that their child is manifesting “acting out" behaviours as a reaction to the conduct of the primary care giving parent, and elements of Stockholm Syndrome have been witnessed and there is corroboration of such, and the abuse may still be being perpetuated.

Under FOISA 2002 please provide me with the information contained in your records as follows:

What is the formal process whereby a non-primary caregiving parents enacts their obligations under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 to make a referral to the Child & Adolescent Mental Service of NHS Scotland For their child/children, whilst the background given above explains that multi agency gate keeping is in place by the use of inaccurate, false and libelous data iVPD/VPD based on malicious falsehoods and hearsay without any evidence, which is in free flow transmission through every agency, and the urgency of the situation being the paramount wellbeing of the child is not being given any cognisance nor is the evidential reports by the now non care giving parent, who is in effect 'STATE alienated' by the Scottish Government and her funded partner agencies including Third Sector Organisations and NGO's?

Yours faithfully,

R Deans

GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

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Dear R Deans,


Please find attached an acknowledgement to your request.


Kind Regards



Information Governance Team

NHS Grampian

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GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

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Dear R Deans

Please find attached the response to your request. 


Kind Regards 




Information Governance Team  

NHS Grampian  

Rosehill House  

Foresterhill Site  

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