CAF Tram Details

The request was partially successful.

Dear Transport for West Midlands,

Could you please send me drawings showing the technical details of the CAF trams currently in use? Can they include details showing the location of the traction batteries?

Could you also provide the weight of each of the battery units?

Yours faithfully,

Neil Hardwick

Customer Services, Transport for West Midlands

Thank you for contacting Transport for West Midlands (TfWM).

Customer Relations aim to respond to all enquiries within 10 working days. The majority of enquiries should take less than this to respond. However, there may be occasions where this takes longer. We will acknowledge your enquiry and keep you updated on progress. If your enquiry is time-sensitive then it is best to call us.

TfWM is the transport arm of West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). TfWM works in partnership with operators of public transport within the West Midlands. TfWM provides bus stops, timetable information, park & ride facilities, as well as delivering smart travel passes across the public transport network via Swift. More about what TfWM does can be found here:<>. More about what WMCA does can be found here:<>

To see our Privacy & Cookies Policy, please click here<>

<Customer Services>, Transport for West Midlands

Your case reference number is 141330 

Dear Mr Hardwick

Thank you for your email to Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) on 5 August
2021 regarding a Freedom of Information request.

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. 

If this is an initial request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act, we will respond to your request within 20 working days.

Should we need further clarification regarding your request we will
contact you as soon as possible.

Thank you for contacting TfWM.

Kind regards

Steven Toddington

Customer Relations Executive 

TfWM is the transport arm of West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). TfWM
works in partnership with operators of public transport within the West
Midlands. TfWM provides bus stops, timetable information, park & ride
facilities, as well as delivering smart travel passes across the public
transport network via Swift. 

More about what TfWM does can be found
here: [1] More about what WMCA does can be
found here: [2]


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Midlands Combined Authority, unless explicitly stated otherwise.


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Dear Transport for West Midlands,

Case reference number is 141330.

I have not received any response to my request which I should have had by 2 September. Could you please update me with progress.

Yours sincerely,

Mr N Hardwick

Customer Services, Transport for West Midlands

Thank you for contacting Transport for West Midlands (TfWM).

Customer Relations aim to respond to all enquiries within 10 working days. The majority of enquiries should take less than this to respond. However, there may be occasions where this takes longer. We will acknowledge your enquiry and keep you updated on progress. If your enquiry is time-sensitive then it is best to call us.

TfWM is the transport arm of West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). TfWM works in partnership with operators of public transport within the West Midlands. TfWM provides bus stops, timetable information, park & ride facilities, as well as delivering smart travel passes across the public transport network via Swift. More about what TfWM does can be found here:<>. More about what WMCA does can be found here:<>

To see our Privacy & Cookies Policy, please click here<>

Customer Services,

7 Attachments

Dear Neil

Thank you for your email requesting information under the provisions of
the Freedom of Information Act, which we received on 25 August 2021.
For ease of reference, I will set out each of your requests below,
followed by our response:

Could you please send me drawings showing the technical details of the CAF
trams currently in use?  Can they include details showing the location of
the traction batteries?

Could you also provide the weight of each of the battery units?
Midland Metro Limited do not own the rights to the technical drawings for
the CAF Urbos 3. Although we are provided with copies of the drawings in
order to carry out necessary maintenance work, CAF remain the owners of
the documents. I have provided their contact details below, as you may
wish to contact them direct for this information:

Urbos 3
Email: [email address]

We always do our best to fulfil any request to the best of our ability and
therefore I have attached a drawing which does includes some of the
information that you have requested. I am sorry that I haven’t been able
to provide all of the information that you require on this occasion.

I trust that I have provided the information in a suitable format.
However, if you are dissatisfied with the way in which we have handled
your request, you have the right to ask us to review it. You should make
your request for a review within 40 working days of receipt of this
letter, and we will provide our review within 20 working days of receipt.

If, following review, you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your
request you have the right under section 50 of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.

Generally, the Information Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you
have exhausted our review procedure. You can contact the information
Commissioner at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane 

Yours sincerely

Vicki Bennett 
Customer Service Manager

Customer Services​
E: [1][email address]
West Midlands Metro
Potters Lane, Wednesbury, WS10 0AR
West Midlands Metro is operated by Midland Metro Ltd. Company registered in England. Company No. 10932342
​This email (including any attachments) is strictly confidential and only meant for the recipient to which the email is addressed.
​It may not be disclosed or used other than by an addressee, nor may it be copied in any way. If you receive this email in error please delete and 
​notify [email address]


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1. mailto:[email address]


Dear Mr Hardwick

Further to your below email. The West Midlands Combined Authority do not
hold the information you request. Midland Metro is run by Midland Metro
Limited(MML). Your original email was forwarded to MML, and we understand
that they have already responded to you.


Yours sincerely


Information Goverance

West Midlands Combined Authority

Confidentiality: The information in this email may be confidential,
contain personal and/or sensitive information, and/or may be legally
privileged. If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected this
email, please notify the author by replying to this email and then
deleting the original and your reply. If you have received this email in
error, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or any action taken or
omitted to be taken in reliance on the email, may be prohibited and
potentially unlawful. Any views or opinions expressed in this email are
those of the sender and do not necessarily reflect the views of West
Midlands Combined Authority, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Find out about WMCA by visiting [1]

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