C Matthews and DOH rules

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Department of Health (Northern Ireland) should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Department of Health (Northern Ireland),

I was written to on 31 Aug 2022 by Chris Matthews,

Chris Matthews Deputy Secretary, Resource Corporate Management Group.

He stated
1."Your communications have included the use of abusive and offensive language towards members of staff, including personal attacks and accusations. "

Please outline all examples of this as a DSAR.

2. Please outline all evidence that exists, that communications from myself caused any damage in any way to DOH staff.

3.He ordered me that:
"When you are contacting the Department, there must not be any other third party email addresses copied into the email, and DOH email addresses must not be attached as copy recipients to any other third party organisations."

What written source did he use for this order? (Why are DOH staff not wanting third parties copied, to be informed about DOH failings?)

4. he orderded me that
"You must not publish on social media any personal data or correspondence of DOH, which remain private and confidential in nature"

What soucre did he use to order me not to publish, in the public realm, answers from public servants whose decisons affect the public? (Why would any of that be confidential or private? what are DOH hiding?)

5.please outline C Matthews' annual salary.

6.Please outline what "Resource corporate management" is.

7. Please outline C Matthews' remit.

Yours faithfully,

Joan Corrigan

DoH Governance, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment

Ms Corrigan,


Please find attached a response to your FOI request dated 1 September


DoH Governance Unit

Castle Buildings

Stormont Estate


DoH Governance, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)

Dear Ms Corrigan,


Your initial Subject Access Request received to the Department of Health
Freedom Of Information mailbox on 1 September 2022 as part of your FOI
request DoH/2022-0191 and your subsequent Subject Access Request received
to the Department of Health Freedom Of Information mailbox on 4 September
2022 are currently being considered together. Both requests are being
progressed under reference number SAR-2022/0006.


As the whatdotheyknow email address used to submit the request is part of
a public forum, the Department requires your personal contact details to
ensure that any personal information is not published on the forum.


Can you provide personal contact details, either a postal address, or a
personal email address, to which we can address any future correspondence
on this request.



DoH Governance Unit

Castle Buildings

Stormont Estate


Dear DoH Governance,

The rules of this website are as follows:

"To protect their owners from spam, we automatically remove most emails and some mobile numbers from responses to requests. "

Therefore, please note I am going to email, DOH's FOI team now and that will provide you with my email address. Your staff have already liaised with me in any case.

Yours sincerely,

Joan Corrigan

Dear DoH Governance,

As you are aware, my email address was provided to your staff on 14 Nov 2022. It was not acknowledged.

If a response is not forthcoming to that email address within 2 weeks, I shall assume both DSARs are being ignored. And escalate.

Yours sincerely,

Joan Corrigan