
The request was successful.

Dear Madam or Sir,

I notice that Oxford City Council’s Constitution (at 5.10) mentions that it has power to make bylaws. However, I cannot find any information on the bylaws either on your website or in the public library catalogue.

Would you please provide a summary list of bylaws made by the Oxford City Council that are currently in force (or are already made and expected to come into force). For the summary list, a descriptive title for each bylaw will suffice. Further, would you please advise how a member of the public can have access to the text of the bylaws.

Thank you very much.

(If possible, would you please use this email address for this present request, rather than any previous address you might have on file, as I am using a different email address to track each of my requests. Again, many thanks.)


Dr Kaihsu Tai

HUGHES Martin, Oxford City Council

Dear Dr. Tai,
Thank you for your 2 Freedom of Information requests. I
have passed them to colleagues and will respond as soon as I have heard
back from them.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Hughes
Project Manager & Acting Freedom of Information Officer
Oxford City Council
St. Aldate's Chambers
St. Aldate's

Tel: 01865-252669

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FRANKLIN Jeremy, Oxford City Council

Dear Dr. Tai,

Thank you for your email.

I confirm that the following byelaws are currently in force in Oxford

Ear piercing & Electrolysis
Hackney Carriages
Parks & Recreation Grounds
Shotover (country park)
Swimming Pools

Copies of these byelaws are available from the Council at the following

Oxford City Council
Legal & Democratic Services
The Town Hall
Blue Boar Street
OX4 4EY.

Yours sincerely

Jeremy Franklin
Legal & Democratic Services
Tel: 01865 252412

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Kaihsu Tai left an annotation ()

A follow-up request for the text of the bylaws has been sent: