Byelaws relating to UAV flights
Dear High Weald Joint Advisory Committee,
Can you please advise if you have any byelaws relating to the use off UAVs from your land, and if so can you please elder provide a copy or the link to their location on a website.
If you do not have any byelaws, do you have any other policies relating to the use of UAVs on your land?
Can you finally advise if these have been reviewed in relation to CQP722C ( published by the Civil Aviation Authority in December 2020.
Yours faithfully,
Simon Hawkins
Dear High Weald Joint Advisory Committee,
I note that this FOI request is over the 20 working days. As I understand that there may be an impact due to Covid, can I please request an update and a revised estimate for receiving a response.
Yours faithfully,
Simon Hawkins
Dear Mr Hawkins,
Thank you for your email sent earlier today.
We didn’t receive your original FOI request but given the title of your
e-mail below, I’m not clear why you have contacted us requesting
information on byelaws relating to UAV flights. The High Weald AONB Unit
is small specialised team advising on the conservation and enhancement of
the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – see here for further
details: [1]
We don’t own or manage any land and we don’t write or enforce or have
responsibility for any byelaws of any kind, least of all for UAV flights.
Yours sincerely,
Jason Lavender
High Weald AONB Unit
Advising on the management of a nationally important landscape
01424 723011 [2]
Woodland Enterprise Centre, Hastings Road, Flimwell, Sussex, TN5 7PR
Celebrating 30 years of the High Weald AONB Partnership & 70 years of
protected landscape designation
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