By-Election, November 2022

The request was successful.

Dear Swansea Council,

I write about a Freedom of Information request on a recent by-election at Penyrheol, and would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information.

1. Was the decision to not send out paper polling cards made at a City Council meeting? If so, please provide the minutes and voting record.

2. Who made the decision not to send out paper polling cards? Please provide the names of councillors and officials involved in this decision.

3. What was the legal basis of this decision? Please provide the advice you gave to Gorseinon Town Council.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Yours faithfully,

Angela Jones

Freedom of Information (Mailbox), Swansea Council

Bydd y manylion rydych wedi'u darparu'n cael eu trosglwyddo i'r adran
neu'r adrannau perthnasol sy'n cadw'r wybodaeth.

Bydd eich cais yn cael ei brosesu o fewn 20 niwrnod gwaith oni bai bod
angen mwy o fanylion oddi wrthych. Os dyma'r achos, byddwn yn cycylltu â
chi drwy'r manylion rydych wedi'u darparu ar y ffurflen hon.

Ni chodir ffi am wneud cais, os na fydd yr wybodaeth yn costio mwy na £450
i'r Awdurdod ei darparu. Os dyma fydd yr achos, byddwch yn cael eich




The details you have provided will be passed on to the relevant department
or departments that hold the information.


Your request will be processed within 20 working days unless we require
more details from you. If this is the case, you will be contacted via the
details you have given on this form.


There is no fee for making a request, provided the information does not
cost the council more than £450 to produce. If this is the case you will
be informed.

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Laura Jones (Legal), Swansea Council

3 Attachments


Kind regards


[1][IMG]Laura Jones




( 01792 636378 | 07976 659268

* [email address]

* [email address]


Croesewir gohebiaeth yn y Gymraeg a byddwn yn ymdrin â gohebiaeth Gymraeg
a Saesneg i'r un safonau ac amserlenni

We welcome correspondence in Welsh and will deal with Welsh and English
correspondence to the same standards and timescales


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