Buying Goods and Services

The request was partially successful.

Dear Sunderland City Council,
Please supply me with the following statistics for your Council for Goods and Services procurement where 'goods' are tangible products such as pens or computers, generally known as supplies; 'works' are "the construction or demolition of buildings, both residential and non-residential, repair to the fabric of these buildings, construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, and the installation of gas, electric, and plumbing services" and 'services' are the provision of an intangible product such as care or refuse collection, whether it is carried out internally or externally. The following payments should be EXCLUDED: foster carer payments; payments to pension funds; payments to other local authorities for placement of clients or other non-commercial activities; payments to individuals for expenses, insurance settlements, council tax refunds, etc; Benefits payments and transfer payments.

The figures should cover (unless stated) the period 1st April 2015 to the 31st March 2016.
1. Council’s net revenue budget.
2. Total value of Goods and Services acquired by the council from third party suppliers.
3. Total number of Contracts held by the council as 31st March 2016.
4. Total value of Goods and Services acquired by the council from third party suppliers.
5. Cost of procurement management (Total cost of procurement function (staff salaries, on-costs, share of central recharges, dedicated system costs, contracted third party support costs) for a given period).
6. Total value of goods and services acquired from third party suppliers by the council that were acquired under the terms of a contract whether arranged by the Council independently or by a collaboration with another Council or through participation in a Contract provided through a Framework.
7. The total number of contract managers named on the council contract register as at 31 March 2016.
8. Total Number of Contracts awarded by the Council.
9. The total number of invoices for goods and services paid by the council during the period 1st April 2015 to the 31st March 2016 whether or not the supplier was contracted to the council or the holder of a framework contract.
10. The total value of third party spend acquired by electronic orders (i.e. over the internet, it does not include procurement cards, telephone or fax orders).
11. The total value of Goods and Services spent with suppliers who are defined as a Small and Medium Enterprise according to the DfTI definition.
12. The total number of contracts that reached their termination date and were renewed by extension without retendering.
13. Total number of contract awards by the council that have been challenged by an unsuccessful tenderer.
14. The total number of contracts held by the council as at the 31st March 2016 with ongoing improvement clauses (improved performance over the life of the contract or reduced pricing).

Yours faithfully,

phil spring

Solicitor - Freedom of Information, Sunderland City Council

Re: Your request for information concerning:

Buying Goods and Services.

The Council aims to provide available information promptly and in any event within 20 working days, unless, exceptionally, there is a need to consider whether the information is exempt from disclosure.

I will contact you again soon in connection with your request.

Please quote the reference below if you contact the Council regarding this request.

Customer Request Number: 16-06-64

show quoted sections

Graham Kelly, Sunderland City Council

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Dear Mr Spring,


Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request.


Kind regards


Graham Kelly
Market Engagement and eProcurement Manager
Commercial and Corporate Services
Sunderland City Council

Phone: (0191) 561 1770
Fax: (0191) 553 1090
E-mail: [1][email address]





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