Busway snag/defect list - Document versions
Dear Cambridgeshire County Council,
Thanks for your informative response to my query about how you were tracking the issues on the Guided Busway[1].
You say you were managing the list of issues in a word document, from which you delete resolved issues. Do you systematically keep old versions of the document, for example by storing it in a formal change control system, or systematically archiving copies of each version in an email folder ?
If so, can you please give me a list of which versions you have available with whatever information you conveniently have about each one (eg, its date or the meeting it was prepared for, etc.)
If not, can you explain what approach you would take if an issue were to arise which seemed related to an earlier issue which had been thought resolved ? How would you find the information and history about the previous issue ? Would it just be a case of making an ad-hoc search of your email records ?
Does the Busway team use shared mailbox(es) for this kind of thing ?
Sorry to bombard you with yet another series of probably misguided questions but I'm interested to understand the processes adopted by the County Council to manage what is after all a very substantial project.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Jackson
Dear Mr Jackson,
Please find attached Cambridgeshire County Council's response to your
request for information.
Please contact me if I can be of any further assistance to you.
Kind regards
Sarah Priestley
Information Governance Officer
Information Governance
From: Ian Jackson [[FOI #34106 email]]
Sent: 27 April 2010 21:00
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Busway snag/defect list -
Document versions
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Blue
Dear Cambridgeshire County Council,
Thanks for your informative response to my query about how you were
tracking the issues on the Guided Busway[1].
You say you were managing the list of issues in a word document,
from which you delete resolved issues. Do you systematically keep
old versions of the document, for example by storing it in a formal
change control system, or systematically archiving copies of each
version in an email folder ?
If so, can you please give me a list of which versions you have
available with whatever information you conveniently have about
each one (eg, its date or the meeting it was prepared for, etc.)
If not, can you explain what approach you would take if an issue
were to arise which seemed related to an earlier issue which had
been thought resolved ? How would you find the information and
history about the previous issue ? Would it just be a case of
making an ad-hoc search of your email records ?
Does the Busway team use shared mailbox(es) for this kind of thing
Sorry to bombard you with yet another series of probably misguided
questions but I'm interested to understand the processes adopted by
the County Council to manage what is after all a very substantial
Yours faithfully,
Ian Jackson
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