Busway issue tracking system

The request was successful.

Dear Cambridgeshire County Council,

Do you have or use an issue tracking system (aka ticket tracking system) which you are using to record snags, defects, and other issues arising in relation to the Cambridgeshire Guided Bus ?

If so, what information is kept in this tracking system ? Please provide a list of data items kept for each issue (aka ticket), and any information you have about the scope of your use of it.

Yours faithfully,

Ian Jackson

FOI, Cambridgeshire County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Jackson,

Please find attached Cambridgeshire County Council's response to your
request for information.

Please contact me if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards

Sarah Priestley
Information Governance Officer
Information Governance

From: Ian Jackson [[FOI #31580 email]]
Sent: 26 March 2010 11:46
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Busway issue tracking system

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Yellow

Dear Cambridgeshire County Council,

Do you have or use an issue tracking system (aka ticket tracking
system) which you are using to record snags, defects, and other
issues arising in relation to the Cambridgeshire Guided Bus ?

If so, what information is kept in this tracking system ? Please
provide a list of data items kept for each issue (aka ticket), and
any information you have about the scope of your use of it.

Yours faithfully,

Ian Jackson

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