Business Rates Occupiers
Dear Middlesbrough Council,
Please can you provide me with the following information under the
Freedom Of Information Act 2000 in an excel format:-
(a) List all non-domestic properties and their addresses.
(b) The names of the Rate payers referred to above for each
property (excluding all the personal information).
(c) The billing authority reference number for each property (Not
the account number).
(d) The date the rate payer became liable for the bill
(e) Details of what reliefs, if any, the rate payer receives (Mandatory, Discretionary, Exempt)
Can you also please make sure this information is as up-to-date as possible at the time of receiving the request
Yours faithfully,
Gareth Elton
Dear Mr Elton
REF NO: 008956
Thank you for your recent enquiry, received on 10/11/2015, in relation to
business rates. I can confirm that your enquiry is receiving attention
and a response will be provided within 20 working days following receipt
of your enquiry as allowed under the Freedom of Information Act
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, I will
let you know the likely charges before proceeding.
Please do not hesitate to contact me direct on (01642) 729696/729698 or
email [Middlesbrough Council request email] should you require any further advice or
assistance with this or any other matter.
Yours sincerely
Nathan Oxnard
Information Governance Assistant
Middlesbrough Council
Democratic Services
Organisation and Governance
PO Box 503
Town Hall
TS1 9FX (for directions please use TS1 2RT)
Telephone: (01642) 729812
Dear Mr Elton
REF NO: 008956
I am writing to confirm that Middlesbrough Council has now completed its
search for the information you requested on 10 November 2015.
In your request you asked for the following information:
Please can you provide me with the following information under the Freedom
Of Information Act 2000 in an excel format:-
(a) List all non-domestic properties and their addresses.
(b) The names of the Rate payers referred to above for each property
(excluding all the personal information).
(c) The billing authority reference number for each property (Not the
account number).
(d) The date the rate payer became liable for the bill
(e) Details of what reliefs, if any, the rate payer receives (Mandatory,
Discretionary, Exempt)
Can you also please make sure this information is as up-to-date as
possible at the time of receiving the request
Response: A copy of the information is attached in the format you
If you have any queries about this response, please do not hesitate to
contact me direct on (01642) 729696/729698 or email
[Middlesbrough Council request email] Please remember to quote the reference number
shown above in any future communications.
If you are unhappy with the way your request has been handled you may ask
for an internal review within 40 days of receipt of the response. You
should write to:-
Sylvia Reynolds,
Information Governance Manager,
P.O. Box 503,
Ground Floor,
Town Hall,
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for an
independent review. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: -
Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
Yours sincerely
Steph Robson
Freedom of Information Officer
Democratic Services
Organisation and Governance
Middlesbrough Council
PO Box 503
Town Hall
Tel: 01642 729696
E-mail: [1][Middlesbrough Council request email]
Visible links
1. mailto:[Middlesbrough Council request email]
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