Business Rates - June
Dear Daventry District Council,
In accordance with the provisions specified within the above Act I hereby request the following information.
All information requested relates to Business Rates.
This request for information falls within the parameters of the Act but if you require clarification on any of the points above or should you wish to discuss this further then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Required Information;- A list of all live business rates accounts with a 2017 list Rateable Value.
• Property Reference Number (also known as Billing Authority Reference Number) of the property on which the charge is made. Please note that this is not the Rate Demand or Rate Account Number.
• Current rateable value
• Account holder name
• Property address
• The billing address (where different to the property address), the contact telephone number and email address
• The date the current ratepayer became liable for the business rates – we do not require any historical account liability dates only the current ratepayers liability start date
• whether a property is empty or occupied
• Where a property is currently empty please provide the date the ratepayer became liable for empty rates
• Where there is an exemption on the account please provide the start and end date and type of exemption applied (e.g. listed building)
• Where there is a relief on the account please provide the date it was applied and the type of relief (e.g. Retail Discount)
• We do not require any personal information or sole traders.
Please provide the information in an electronic, spreadsheet format ideally excel. The Act requires that a response be provided within a period of 20 working days from the date hereof.
Yours faithfully,
Richard roberts
Thank you for your email.
Please accept this response as acknowledgement that your request has been received by the Council. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and The Environmental Information Regulations 2004, the Council has 20 working days in which to respond to your request. If you require any further information regarding this request, please see contact details below. Vikki Smith Information Access Officer Daventry District Council Lodge Road Daventry Northants NN11 4FP 01327 302510
Any information provided by you will be recorded on our systems and used to update your customer record, shared within the council to deal with your enquiry and may be shared with our partners if it is necessary to do so. We will only collect data from you that we need; this will be retained in accordance with the Data Protection Principles. For further information about how we look after your data, please look for the Information Charter on our website -<>
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This e-mail message is from Daventry District Council but expresses the views of the individual and not necessarily that of the authority. This e-mail is intended exclusively for the individual(s) to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, or confidential. If this Email has been misdirected, please notify the author immediately. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, distribute, copy, print or rely on any of the information contained in it or attached, and all copies must be deleted immediately. The information contained in this e-mail, and in your reply, may be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or other legislation, and its confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Daventry District Council has taken every reasonable precaution to ensure that an attachment to this e-mail has been checked for any viruses. Daventry District Council cannot, however, accept liability for any damage sustained as a result of software viruses and would strongly advise that you carry out your own virus checks before opening any attachment. Communications via may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded in accordance with relevant legislation.
Dear Mr Roberts
Thank you for your email. Unfortunately the Council has had to remove the business rate data from its website and is unable to release this information in response to FOI requests.
The Council has applied the section 31(1)(a) exemption to withhold this information from publication. This is due to the current business support grants scheme available during the coronavirus pandemic and increase likelihood of fraud.
Section 31(1)(a) can be applied where there is a prejudicial effect to the prevention or detection of crime. In this case releasing the information would be prejudicial to the prevention of fraud. The withheld information could be used in a way that would make anyone, including the Council, more vulnerable to fraud (e.g. fraudulent claims for business support grants). The Council has taken into account any harm likely to arise if the requested information were put together with other information, and has concluded there is an increased risk of fraud at this time. However, this position is likely to change once the business support scheme ends and the risk of fraud diminishes.
If you are unhappy with the way your request has been handled, you may ask for a review. Please write to:
Freedom of Information Challenges
Daventry District Council
Lodge Road
NN11 4FP
Or email [Daventry District Council request email]
If you are not satisfied, you can appeal to the Information Commissioner, who oversees compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Details of what you need to do, should you wish to pursue this course of action, is available from the Information Commissioner’s website:
If you have any queries about this email, please contact me.
Yours sincerely
Iuliana Lisnic
Apprentice for Governance & HR
Resources Team
Daventry District Council
Lodge Road
Northants NN11 4FP
DX: 21965 Daventry
01327 302511
[Daventry District Council request email]
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