Business Rates and Ambassador House
Dear Croydon Borough Council,
Re Ambassador House, Brigstock Road, Thornton Heath, CR7 7TG
Please let me have details of the business rates payable on this property for the years ended 31 March 2015, 31 March 2016, 31 March 2017, 31 March 2018, 31 March 2019, 31 March 2020, 31 March 2021 and 31 March 2022.
Please also state when the respective rates were paid by the respective businesses.
In the analysis please detail the name of the companies/businesses/persons responsible for the payment of the business rates.
If any of the business rates went unpaid or were written off please identify, the business involved and the reason for the non-payment. For example, statutory exemption, local exemption or liquidation, dissolution or bankruptcy or whatever the reason may have arisen.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Graham Mitchell
Our reference: 4977213
Dear Graham Mitchell
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 9 June
We are dealing with your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 and we aim to send a response by 7 July 2022, however due to the
current COVID 19 (Coronavirus) outbreak you may experience some delay in
us responding to your request.
In some case, a fee may be payable. If we decide a fee is payable, we will
send you a fee notice and we will require you to pay the fee before
proceeding with your request.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 may restrict the release of some or
all of the information you have requested. We will carry out an assessment
and if any exemptions apply to some or all of the information then we
might not provide that information to you. We will inform you if this is
the case and advise you of your rights to appeal this decision.
Unfortunately the Council is currently experiencing a delay in our
response times due to demand and resource. As an organisation we are aware
of our legal duties under the legislation and are making every effort to
improve our position and respond to requests within our statutory
timeframes as quickly as possible. All requests are being monitored and
continually reviewed to provide you with an expected date for disclosure.
London Borough of Croydon takes its role as a Data Controller seriously
and would like to thank you for your continued patience and understanding
whilst we improve our service to you.
Yours sincerely,
Payments, revenues and debt
Floor 7, Zone C
Bernard Weatherill House,
8 Mint Walk,
Croydon, CR0 1EA
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Our reference: 4977213
Dear Graham Mitchell
Freedom of Information Act 2000
We are writing to ask you to clarify your request.
Clarification sought:
Re Ambassador House, Brigstock Road, Thornton Heath, CR7 7TG
Ambassador House contains over 25 Hereditaments, please confirm which
Hereditament you are requesting data for.
Please let me have details of the business rates payable on this property
for the years ended 31 March 2015, 31 March 2016, 31 March 2017, 31 March
2018, 31 March 2019, 31 March 2020, 31 March 2021 and 31 March 2022.
Ambassador House contains over 25 Hereditaments, please confirm which
Hereditament you are requesting data for.
We will not be able to take this matter further without this extra
information from you. Please let us know by 8 July 2022. If we do not hear
from you within the timeframe provided, we shall take it that you do not
wish to pursue this request and will consider the request closed.
Yours sincerely,
Information Team
Floor 7, Zone B
Bernard Weatherill House,
8 Mint Walk,
Croydon, CR0 1EA
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.
Croydon Council
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If you are not the intended recipient, an addressing or transmission error
has misdirected this e-mail; you must not use, disclose, copy, print or
disseminate the information contained within this e-mail. Please notify
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Any views expressed in this email are those of the individual sender,
except where the sender specifically states these to be the views of
Croydon Council.
This email has been scanned for all viruses and all reasonable precautions
have been taken to ensure that no viruses are present. Croydon Council
cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use
of this email or attachments.
Visible links
Dear Croydon Council,
Thank you for contacting me. I am not entirely sure what you mean but, can you please list the 25 Hereditaments and I can chose? It may help to tell you that the companies I am interested in are:
Fort Properties Limited
Red Wing Property Holdings Limited
Kirkstall Properties Limited
Ambassador House London Limited
Yours sincerely,
Graham Mitchell
Dear Mr Mitchell,
Many thanks for providing the clarification
We ave now sent this to the bsiness area for process and will get back to
you with a response in due course.
Kind regards,
Information Team
Croydon Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House,
Mint Walk,
[Croydon Borough Council request email]
Dear FOI,
Can you please let me have the information requested subject to the clarification I provided.
Yours sincerely,
Graham Mitchell
Our reference: 4977213
Dear Graham Mitchell
Thank you for your request for information received on 13 June 2022.
Please find attached our response to your request.
Yours sincerely,
Information Team
Floor 7, Zone B
Bernard Weatherill House,
8 Mint Walk,
Croydon, CR0 1EA
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.
Croydon Council
This email contains proprietary confidential information some or all of
which may be legally privileged and/or subject to the provisions of
privacy legislation. It is intended solely for the addressee.
If you are not the intended recipient, an addressing or transmission error
has misdirected this e-mail; you must not use, disclose, copy, print or
disseminate the information contained within this e-mail. Please notify
the author immediately by replying to this email.
Any views expressed in this email are those of the individual sender,
except where the sender specifically states these to be the views of
Croydon Council.
This email has been scanned for all viruses and all reasonable precautions
have been taken to ensure that no viruses are present. Croydon Council
cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use
of this email or attachments.
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