Requests similar to 'Business Rates'

Business Rates
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Lorna Wilson on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Wilson, Please find attached the response to our recent freedom of information request. Kind Regards   Jill Gaskell Technical Adjudic...
Business Rates
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Sara Ahmed on .


Dear Ms Ahmed Please find attached the response to your recent freedom of information request. Kind Regards   Jill Gaskell Technical Adjudica...
Business Rates-Retail Relief
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to john taylor on .


Dear Sir, Please find attached the response to your recent freedom of information request. Kind Regards   Jill Gaskell Technical Adjudication...
Business Rates
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to claire lumsden on .


Dear Ms Lumsden Please find attached the response to your recent freedom of information request. Kind regards   Jill Gaskell Technical Adjudi...
Non-domestic rates assessment
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Gareth Davies on .


Please find attached our response to your freedom of information request.   Regards   Adrian   Adrian Blaylock Principal Revenues Officer...
Dear Ms Davis Please find attached the Council's response to your Freedom of Information request. <<FOI Response 03.06.09.doc>> <<whatdotheyknow (...
List of Roads
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to James Carter on .


Please find attached response with regards to your FOI request to Doncaster Council. Kind Regards Sarah Greaves Regeneration & Environment North Bri...
Vacant industrial premises
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Cian O'Carroll on .


Dear Ms O'Carroll Please find attached the Council's response to your Freedom of Information request. Yours sincerely Jennifer Ball Freedom of...
Dear Mr Davis Please find attached the Council's response to your Freedom of Information request. <<FOI Response 27.07.10.pdf>> <<Rateable values....
Empty commercial properties
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Adam Fennelly on .


Please find attached our response to your freedom of information request Regards Adrian Blaylock Business Rates & Revenues Manager First Floor...
Small Business Rates Relief 2010
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Nigel J Woodley on .


Dear Mr Woodley Please find attached the Council's response to your Freedom of Information request. <<FOI Request Response 28.04.10.pdf>> <<Docume...
Dear Ms Davis Please find attached a copy of the Council's response to your request for information which was sent to you on 27th July 2010. Yours s...
Dear Sirs   Please find attached response in relation to your FOI request to Doncaster Council.     Kind Regards   Sarah   Sarah Gre...
Dear Ms Davis Please accept my apologies for this error attached below is the required information. <<FOI Request Response 10.05.10.pdf>> <<FOI EP...
Please find attached the response to your recent request under the Freedom of Information Act Regards Adrian Blaylock Business Rates & Revenues M...
Empty homes in doncaster
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Sally Holden on .

Waiting clarification

Please find attached our response to your recent freedom of information request.   Regards Adrian   Adrian Blaylock Principal Revenues Off...
Development Responsibilities
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Polly Barton on .


Dear Polly, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 28 November 2023 for information about Section 106 payments. Please find below Cit...
Council assets
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Gareth Davies on .

Partially successful

Hi   Please find attached the information you requested in an excel spreadsheet.   Regards   DMBC Civic Office Waterdale Doncaster...
National Productivity Investment Fund
Response by South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority to Matt Turner on .

Partially successful

Good Afternoon, Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request, apologies for the delay. Due to the size of some of the attachments I wi...
Dear Mr Oakley, I refer to your request of 29th November. Please see the attached response and accompanying spreadsheet. Kind regards, Francesca...
Dear Mr Oakley Please find VOSA's response to your recent request for information attached. (See attached file: G Oakley F0001763 180309.doc)(See att...
Visitor Management Records
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Elton Sanders on .


Dear Mr Sanders   Please find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Regards   Lucy McMahon Freedom of I...
Herton Way 2 Way Scheme
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Matt Turner on .


Dear Mr Turner, Records indicate that the response to your Freedom of Information request was sent on the 20th July 2016. I have attached the respons...
Business Rates
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Gareth Elton on .


Dear Gareth, Please find attached the response to your recent freedom of information request. Kind Regards   Jill Gaskell Technical Adjudicat...
Business Rates Occupiers
Response by Doncaster Borough Council to Gareth Elton on .


Dear Mr Elton Please find attached the response to your recent freedom of information request. Kind Regards   Jill Gaskell Technical Adjudica...