Mr G Elton
Contact: Miss J Gaskell
Tel: 01302 734899
Fax: 01302 734373
Date: 23rd August 2016
Dear Mr Elton
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 18th August 2016 for information
about business rates properties. Please find attached the information you have requested
in respect of limited companies.
I have omitted information regarding empty properties due to the following.
Notice under Section 17(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 - REFUSAL TO
After carefully considering your request, the Council has decided to refuse to disclose the
information you have asked for under Section 17 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act
2000. This is in light of the decision made by the Upper Tribunal on the 22nd January 2013
regarding a request for information regarding empty properties made to the London
Borough of Camden. In this case the Tribunal decided that section 31(1) (a) was engaged
and it was accepted that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the
public interest in disclosure.
Basis for decision:
This law allows us to refuse to disclose information, through the Freedom of Information
Act process, which refers to "public interest”. This is called an "exemption".
Why does the exemption apply in this case?:
Public Interest Test:
This exemption is qualified and on that basis I have considered whether or not in this case
the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing
the information. This is in light of the decision made by the Upper Tribunal on the 22nd
January 2013 regarding a request for information regarding empty properties made to the
London Borough of Camden. In this case the Tribunal decided that section 31(1)(a) was
engaged and it was accepted that the public interest in maintaining the exemption
Revenues Department, 1st Floor, Colonnades House, Duke Street, Doncaster
outweighs the public interest in disclosure of information to identify empty premises. It was
viewed that the public interest in avoiding prejudice to the prevention of crime outweighs
the public interest in disclosure in all the circumstances of this case.
Based on the decision in this case I do not consider that the public interest outweighs the
need to protect against the risk of criminal acts being committed if the Council released this
information at this time.
I hope that this information is useful to you.
Doncaster Council estimate that it has cost £50.00 to respond to this request for
Reviewing any decisions made:
You can ask us to review any decisions made about your request. You do this by writing to
Freedom of Information Officer,
Doncaster Council,
Civic Office,
You can apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision about our compliance or
otherwise with the Freedom of Information legislation. Please contact the Commissioner
for details on how to do this - telephone 01625 545700, address: Information
Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Internet:
Yours sincerely,
Miss J Gaskell
Technical Adjudication and Control Officer
Revenues Department, 1st Floor, Colonnades House, Duke Street, Doncaster