Business Rates

The request was successful.

Dear Wiltshire Council,

I wonder if you can help.

I am doing a dissertation and write regarding the above and would like to make a FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOI) for the following information be supplied under the Freedom of Information Act.

Could you please supply the details of all your (NON DOMESTIC ONLY) rate payers, within your Local Authority, I am seeking to source the following information: -

1) Account Holder or the business trading name?
2) Full postal Address
3) Post code?
4) Rateable Value?
5) The date the account holder became liable for NON DOMESTIC RATES
6) What if any relief they receive? SBRR, RETAIL, RURAL, RETAIL, DISCRETIONARY, relief etc. etc.
7) Also if possible please include all businesses THAT ARE NOT currently receiving any form of local support / relief from your respective authority
8) My preference would be to receive the most updated report if possible from January 2015, onwards?

The format for the data in Excel would be great either and excel workbook or CSV format. For your reference I have prepared a trial file to give you some idea what I am seeking to receive.

Thank you for help and I look forward very much sir/ madam to hearing from you at your earliest opportunity

Yours faithfully,

Ishan Shrivastava

FOI, Wiltshire Council

Dear Ishan Shrivastava,

Request for Information – reference RFI - ENQ04238-REQ001

Thank you for your request for information received on 14.09.15.

Your request is being considered and if the information is held you will receive the information requested within the statutory timescale of 20 working days of receipt of your request as defined by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

I may contact you during that time if the request needs to be clarified; this is to ensure that we provide you with the information you require.

Please note that some information you have requested may not be provided to you; this will only be information that can be withheld by law. If we find it necessary to withhold any information we will explain our reasons for doing so at the same time as we provide you with your copy of any information that can be released to you.

Corporate Information Team
Governance Service
Legal and Governance
Wiltshire Council
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN

[Wiltshire Council request email]

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Evans, Sharron, Wiltshire Council

4 Attachments

Request for Information – reference RFI - ENQ04238-REQ001
Thank you for your request for information received on Monday, 14
September 2015.
In response to your request officers have provided the attached
Wiltshire Council has not withheld any information in relation to this
request under the exemptions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
If you are unhappy with this result, you can raise a complaint under the
council’s [1]Review Procedure for Information Requests (enclosed) within
40 days of receiving the information. When you have exhausted the
council’s procedure you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office
at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF,
[2] or 01625 545745. If you would like to discuss any of the
information provided to you or would like further information on the
review procedure, please contact me.
Information supplied under the Freedom of Information Act and/or
Environmental Information Regulations will be subject to copyright
protection under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Information
can be re-used for the purposes of research for non-commercial purposes,
for private study or for news reporting and reviews, without requiring
formal consent. However, if you wish to re-use the information for
commercial purposes, including publishing, you are required to seek the
permission of the copyright owner. Permission to re-use Wiltshire
Council’s copyright information is granted in the form of a licence.
Authorisation to re-use copyright material not owned by Wiltshire Council
should be sought from the copyright holders concerned.
Yours sincerely
Sharron Evans LLM
Principal Information Officer
Corporate Information Team
Governance Service
Legal and Governance
Wiltshire Council
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN
01225 713643
[email address]
Web: [3]
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[4][IMG][5][IMG]   [6][IMG][7][IMG]

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