Requests similar to 'Business premises excess £49,999' (page 7)

All Previous Premises License Database Extracts
Response by Gambling Commission to Daniel Handsley on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Handsley   Thank you for your request for information, below.    The premises database is a live system so we are unable to extract hi...
Locations of UK National Lottery retailers
Response by Gambling Commission to T. Northrop on .


Dear Mr Northorp   Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000   Please see attached data as requested.   Review o...
Business Rates
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to GEORGE COOKE on .


          Freedom of Information request Our reference: 1993533 Your reference: [FOI #513091 email] Brighton & Hove City Council 4th Floor Bart...
NNDR stats
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


Please follow link to attachment Ratepayer Name                                                              Period of Liability* 38 Grand Parade, B...
Business Properties
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


Please click on the link below for the response. Andrew Kirkwood...
Business Rates lliability
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


GND FLR 114, WESTERN ROAD, HOVE, EAST SUSSEX, BN3 1DD 01/04/2010 to 31/03/2013 Ratepayer = Aderans UK Ltd PT GND FLR, RICHMOND HOUSE, RICHMOND ROAD, B...
Dear Mr Wesley   Thank you for your request for information below.   Please find attached the requested information.     Review of the de...
Regarding your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000: Ref: foi/477/11 Please find set out below the information in r...
Expenditure on the Government Procurement card
Response by Electoral Commission to Mark Holliday on .

Partially successful

Our ref: FOI 26/11 Dear Mark Holliday, Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 dated 26 April 2011. The Commission aims...
Dear Mr Ball Thank you for your recent request for information. Please find attached details of Commercial properties that are within your Distr...
          Freedom of Information request Our reference: 13549673 ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ D...
FOI Compilation and Alteration of Lists
Response by Hastings Borough Council to Richard roberts on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Roberts   I refer to your Freedom of Information request ref: FOIR-334807480.  Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.   P...
Small business rates relief
Response by Crawley Borough Council to chris on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Sir, Further to your request for information, please see below for the Council's response.  The reports we can run work in positive mode only...
Charity street fund raising
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .

Partially successful

1. Does your council have any limitations on chugging - specific days, areas, etc? See Site Management Agreement between PFRA and Brighton and Hove Cit...
Small Business Rates Relief
Response by Hastings Borough Council to Gareth Elton on .


Dear Mr Elton,   I refer to your recent request for information from this Authority.  Our answer(s) to your questions are below.   I trust we have...
Empty Commercial and Council Owned Buildings
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to E Rourke on .

Awaiting classification

          Freedom of Information request Our reference: 9005873 Brighton & Hove City Council Information Governance Team Room 233 Hove Town Hall...
Business Rates
Response by Bexley Borough Council to Sara Ahmed on .


Information request Our reference: 1671496 --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Dear ‎Sir/Madam‏   Than...
Dear Sirs   FOI REQUEST  -  BUSINESS RATES   Thank you for your request for information under of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  You req...
Dear Sirs   FOI REQUEST  -  BUSINESS RATES   Thank you for your request for information under of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  You req...
Tax revenue distribution
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .

Information not held

Brighton & Hove City Council collects 2 main taxes, Council Tax and Business Rates. The City Council collects Council Tax for the City Council, Sussex...
National Lottery Locations
Response by Gambling Commission to Frederick Wesley on .


Dear Mr Wesley   Thank you for your email of 11/06/2019. Your request has been processed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.   In your...
Locations of UK National Lottery retailers
Response by Gambling Commission to Olivier on .


Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for your request which has been processed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). In your email you have asked for...
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Contaminated land Sillwood Street
Request sent to Brighton and Hove City Council by Anonymous User on .

Handled by postal mail

My environmental search for 4 Sillwood Street, Brighton, BN1 2LG has revealed that there may be a potential for contamination relating to historical us...
Dear Mr Sittampalam,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 25 November. You asked:   “Please could I have a list of "listed p...