Requests similar to 'Business premises excess £49,999' (page 4)

Please see link below: Administrator B "#,##0;\-" "#,##...
Business directory
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


Please see link below: Adam Rezazadeh B "#,##0;\-" "#,##...
Please see attachment Administrator B "#,##0;\-" "#,##0...
Please see attachment Administrator B "#,##0;\-" "#,##0...
Please click on the below link. Admin B x<x-8 "...
Business Rates lliability
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


Please see link below: Adam Rezazadeh B "#,##0;\-" "#,##...
Business Rates Liability
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


Please click on the link below for the response. Andrew Kirkwood...
Non domestic rates liabilities
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .

Partially successful

Please see attached spreadsheet. danieledwards B x<x-8...
PCN Appeal documentation
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


B&HCC PN LX351 BEA – is the PDF of the original notice of advertising for the single yellow lines in Montpelier Villas B&HCC PN LZB363 BEA – is the PD...
Busines rates
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


Please see attachment This is a request for Business Rates information, to be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please provide t...
Vacant publicly owned assets
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Emily Berwyn on .


Regarding your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000: Ref: foi/029/10 ""Please can you provide me with the following i...
Bookmaker addresses & post codes in the UK
Response by Gambling Commission to Mike on .


Dear Sir, Ref: GC_FoI_09/064 I am writing to confirm that the Gambling Commission has now completed its search for the information which you requeste...
Dear Freesia   Thank you for your below email appealing your recent FOI request regarding: 'Licenses obtained by  Doug Simmons ex Chief of Sussex...
    Regarding your request for information  under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:  Ref:  foi/787/12     Please find set out below the i...
UK Licensed Betting Offices addresses and post codes
Response by Gambling Commission to Aimee Wilkinson on .

Partially successful

Dear Aimee Ref: GC_FoI_11/019 I am writing to confirm that the Gambling Commission has now completed its search for the information which you...
Regarding your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000: Ref: foi/375/11 "Please can you provide me with the following...
Penatly Charge Notifications Oct-Dec 13
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .

Partially successful

1.We do not record information about the reason for the appeal other than in a scanned copy of the letter or the text of the appeal. We also do not rec...
Commercial properties
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Pip on .

Awaiting classification

Regarding your request for information  under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:  Ref:  foi/650/13   Please find set out below the information i...
CCTV in Brighton stats
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


Brighton & Hove City Council and Sussex Police operate their public facing CCTV cameras in a partnership. The cameras listed below are the combined cam...
Non-domstic rates
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


See attachment Administrator B "#,##0;\-" "#,##0 "#,##0...
There are two separate entries in the rating list as follows: Shop & Premises, 59 St James Street, Brighton, BN2 1QG Rateable Value is £8,100. 2013...
Cost codes
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Jenna Corderoy on .


Please find set out below the information in response to the above request:     The spreadsheet contains two tabs, one detailing cost centres an...
Business Rates
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


Please click on the link below for the response. Andrew Kirkwood...
Please see attachment FOI 4135 - 02/12/14 Log Date 02/12/13 02/12/13 02/12/13 02/12/13 02/12/13 02/12/13 02/12/13 03/12/13 03/12/13 03/12/13 03/12/13...
Business Rates
Response by Bexley Borough Council to Katy Stone on .


Information request Our reference: 3024896 --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Dear ‎Ms Stone‏   Thank...