Requests similar to 'Business premises excess £49,999' (page 19)

NHS Health Checks
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .

Partially successful

1. I would like to request information regarding any recorded discussions that have taken place since January 2014 during council meetings with regards...
Homeless stats
Request sent to Brighton and Hove City Council by Anonymous User on .

Partially successful

I would like to request the following information, which relates to statutory homeless households within Brighton & Hove. • What are the numb...
Licenced Taxi businesses
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


Please see attachment NUMBERSTARTEXPIRYOPERATOR 15 20.03.201519.03.2016 Cab Express Limited Unit E 5A Knoll Business Centre 325 - 327 Old Shore...
Brighton Dome and Festival Limited
Request sent to Brighton and Hove City Council by Anonymous User on .


Dear Sir or Madam, Please can you provide me with the following information: 1. A copy of any and all applications or bids for funding to Brighton...
76-79 Buckingham Rd
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


1. Who owned the Community Mental Health Centre (C.M.H.C.) at 76-79 Buckingham Road, Brighton since the year 2000? Since the year 2000 the property h...
Edward Street road works
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


• What is the nature of the works that are being carried out to Edward Street and Eastern Road, Brighton and the adjoining streets? Details of the sch...
Skate Parks
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


There has been four skateparks built in Brighton & Hove between 2000- 2014. • Hollingdean Park opened summer 2012 Brentwood Rd, Brighton, East Sussex...
Complaints Department
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .

Partially successful

Brighton and Hove City Council has a complaints manager for the whole of the council. However Stage One complaints are responded to by managers from in...
Brighton vs National Levels of HMOs
Request sent to Brighton and Hove City Council by Anonymous User on .


In your document: You state...
Attn: The Freedom of Information Officer Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Children Board Dear Sir/Madam, Under the terms of the Freedom of Inf...
Homemove 4 bedroom properties
Request sent to Brighton and Hove City Council by Anonymous User on .


I would like to know the following: 1) How many people registered on Homemove are in Band A, eligible to bid on a 4 bedroom property, with a date ea...
Homemove 4 bedroom properties
Request sent to Brighton and Hove City Council by Anonymous User on .

Long overdue

I would like answers to the following: 1) How many people registered on Homemove are in Band A, eligible to bid on a 4 bedroom property, with a date...
a) What has Brighton and Hove City Council spent on archives; arts development and support; heritage; museums and galleries; theatres and public entert...
Cost of Lord Lieutenants
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


The Chief Executive of Brighton & Hove City Council is Clerk to the Lord Lieutenant for East Sussex. Brighton & Hove City Council provides administrati...
Completion Notices
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .

Partially successful

There have been seven National Non –Domestic Rates completion notices issued in the last 3 years in order that the property may be entered into the Rat...
DFG funding allocation
Request sent to Brighton and Hove City Council by Anonymous User on .


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I request Brighton & Hove UA local authority to provide me with the following information. Mandatory Disab...
Free School Transport
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .


Here is a link to the Brighton & Hove Home to School Transport Policy:
I would like to make a Freedom of Information request regarding the following questions: Q1. How many cases of assault have there been against teach...
Reply from Property & Design: The vast majority of buildings maintained by Property & Design are non-domestic and therefore Part P (17th Edition) regu...
School Uniform Cost Information
Request sent to Brighton and Hove City Council by Anonymous User on .


"• How many applications has Brighton and Hove received for financial support with the cost of school uniform for a) the last academic year b) so far f...
Childrens centres/cost of childcare
Request sent to Brighton and Hove City Council by Anonymous User on .


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I request Brighton and Hove to provide me with the following information. 1) The current number of designa...
You have not said which Article 4 Direction you are referring to. However, all recent Article 4 directions have been ‘non immediate’ given the consider...
am doing some research on private rental housing in cities in the UK. Please could you tell me how many privately rented properties there are currently...
Noise complaints stats
Request sent to Brighton and Hove City Council by Anonymous User on .


Please could you inform me of: a) a list of all reasons for noise complaints in Brighton and Hove b) the areas of Brighton and Hove in which most co...
BHCC Employee stats
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .

Partially successful

1.Total number of Brighton and Hove City Council employees. As at 31 March 2014, the council had a total of 11,274 staff. This figure includes both sch...