Business contingency

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Office of Communications should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Office of Communications,

Disaster recovery/business continuity plan for each section/department.

Yours faithfully,


Information Requests, Office of Communications

Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your request for information dated 14 January. Can you provide your name in English please so we can log your request on our system and begin to consider it under Freedom of Information?
Kind regards

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Julia Snape, Office of Communications

Dear Sir/Madam

Following up on our email of 16 January, we are waiting for confirmation of your name in English in order to process your request. Can you also at the same time confirm it is Ofcom's disaster recovery and business continuity plans for each department that you are after?

Please reply within 10 business days. If we don’t hear back from you within this time we will close the request.

Kind regards

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Mark Salter left an annotation ()

你好 Huang Tao!



Mark Salter left an annotation ()

对不起,他们还想确认: -
