Integrated Passenger Transport
Business and Environmental Services
County Hall,
North Yorkshire
Tel: 01609 780 780
Your Ref:
Our Ref: N1411
Contact: Catherine Price
5 September 2016
Dear Mr Paulley
I write in response to your Freedom of Information request of the 11 August. Whilst we are
happy to share information with you, we are only required to share information which the County
Council actually holds. There is therefore some information that you have requested that we
cannot supply as we do not hold it.
Attached is a file which provides the following information:
The route number, service description and operator of Home to School services, the number of
seats which the operator is required to provide, service type, and whether a contribution is made
directly to the County Council.
This for Home to School services and does not include any contracted local bus services which
are available to the general public and may or may not carry school children. As your request
relates to PSVAR we have removed all contracts for 8 seats or less as these are likely to be
operated by small vehicles not buses.
The Council does not specify the vehicle or vehicle type to be used so whilst we are able to
advise the number of seats that must be provided, the Council does not hold information on the
type of vehicle, registration number, make model, date of manufacture or date of first use.
The service type heading indicates ‘Permits’ or ‘Permits and Fares’. Services that are operated
as ‘ Permits’ are closed school services where only those who have a permit can board, these
are operated as non-registered school services not as local bus services.
Services that are operated as ‘Permits and Fares’ are open to holders of permits and also
scholars paying a fare on the bus, these are operated as non-registered school services or as
registered local bus services.
Below is an extract from the current Conditions of Contract which relates to vehicle construction;
2.6.1 The Contractor shall ensure that Vehicles shall comply with all relevant
requirements of law relating to construction (including the Disability Discrimination
Act), equipment and use and shall ensure that the Vehicles are properly taxed,
tested, licensed and insured, and where a Vehicle does not meet any element of
these requirements then this would be considered a fundamental breach of
Contract under clause 12.1.
And an extract relating to passengers;
2.8.5 The Contractor shall ensure that Drivers are made aware of the special needs of
the elderly or people with any type of disability and that they shall be given all
reasonable assistance and shown all due courtesy by Drivers, particularly when
getting on or off a Vehicle.
The contract also requires that all contractors shall adopt a policy to comply with the Equalities
Act and any subsequent legislation in respect of equalities.
I hope that you find this information useful.
Yours sincerely,
Catherine Price
Acting Head of Integrated Passenger Transport