Dear Transport for London,
1. Please attach any documents (such as driver training documents or any other documents) that mention the acceptance of the Essex Saver bus ticket on TFL bus routes that enter the county of Essex. You previously provided someone with a copy of this document - https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/4... - however it is from 2018 and most of the other information in that document is now out of date and incorrect. So i am looking for any newer documents you hold mentioning the acceptance of these tickets on TFL buses?
2. Is Essex County Council (or anyone else) paying you to accept the Essex Saver on your TFL bus routes (and if so how much are they paying you)?
3. In some parts of many counties outside of Greater London ( Berkshire / Buckinghamshire / Essex / Kent / Hertfordshire / Surrey ) that are served by TFL bus routes i have noticed that you are also responsible for the bus stops and the bus stop flags and the bus stop timetables (including for non TFL bus routes). I would like to know are the county councils of these counties paying you anything to maintain and manage these bus stops and bus stop flags and bus stop timetables (and if so how much are they paying you)?
4. Please provide me with a full list of TFL bus routes that receive funding from someone else. Please show details of who is funding it and how much they are paying you. If i remember correctly i think the 465 is partly funded by Surrey County Council (or at least it used to be) so i am looking for any such routes like this?
5. Finally please provide a full current list of all TFL bus routes that cross the border of Greater London in to neighbouring counties?
Yours faithfully,
Oliver Williams
Dear Mr Williams
TfL Ref: 2852-2122
Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 7 March 2022. Please accept my apologies for the delay in acknowledging your correspondence.
We will aim to issue a response by 4 April 2022 in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy.
We publish a substantial range of information on our website on subjects including operational performance, contracts, expenditure, journey data, governance and our financial performance. This includes data which is frequently asked for in FOI requests or other public queries. Please check http://www.tfl.gov.uk/corporate/transpar... to see if this helps you.
We will publish anonymised versions of requests and responses on the www.tfl.gov.uk website. We will not publish your name and we will send a copy of the response to you before it is published on our website.
In the meantime, if you would like to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Jasmine Howard
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London
Dear Mr Williams
TfL Ref: 2852-2122
Thank you for your email received by us on 5 March 2022 asking for
information about the acceptance of the Essex Saver bus ticket on TfL bus
routes entering the county of Essex.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of
the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can
confirm that we hold the information you require. You asked for the
1. Please attach any documents (such as driver training documents or any
other documents) that mention the acceptance of the Essex Saver bus ticket
on TFL bus routes that enter the county of Essex. You previously provided
someone with a copy of this document -
- however it is from 2018 and most of the other information in that
document is now out of date and incorrect. So i am looking for any newer
documents you hold mentioning the acceptance of these tickets on TFL
Please see the attached PDFs for bus routes operating to and from the
Brentwood and Epping Forest areas, which accept the Essex Saver Ticket
2. Is Essex County Council (or anyone else) paying you to accept the Essex
Saver on your TFL bus routes (and if so how much are they paying you)?
3. In some parts of many counties outside of Greater London ( Berkshire /
Buckinghamshire / Essex / Kent / Hertfordshire / Surrey ) that are served
by TFL bus routes i have noticed that you are also responsible for the bus
stops and the bus stop flags and the bus stop timetables (including for
non TFL bus routes). I would like to know are the county councils of these
counties paying you anything to maintain and manage these bus stops and
bus stop flags and bus stop timetables (and if so how much are they paying
4. Please provide me with a full list of TFL bus routes that receive
funding from someone else. Please show details of who is funding it and
how much they are paying you. If i remember correctly i think the 465 is
partly funded by Surrey County Council (or at least it used to be) so i am
looking for any such routes like this?
We can advise that the only county council routes Transport for London
receives funding from are for buses 166, 216 and 465, by Surrey County
Council (SCC). The agreed sum paid by SCC to London Bus Services Ltd per
annum towards the entire cost of bus service route numbers 166 and 216 is
£131,000 (subject to review annually). The agreed sum paid by SCC to
London Bus Services Ltd per annum towards the entire cost of bus service
route number 465 is £200,000 (subject to review annually).
TfL does not receive funding from any other county councils. Nor do we
have knowledge of any payments being received for maintenance of bus
stops, bus stop flags and bus stop timetables (including for non-TfL bus
routes) located outside the Greater London boundary.
5. Finally please provide a full current list of all TFL bus routes that
cross the border of Greater London in to neighbouring counties?
This is provided in the attached file showing the list of routes with
special arrangements. All operate to areas beyond Greater London, with the
exception of the following buses:
285/N285, 350, 490; X68: 366, 462, 488, 499, U9.
If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable
to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to
appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would
like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.
Yours sincerely
Jasmine Howard
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London
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