Bus timetable flyers for 2018, 2019, 2020

The request was successful.

Hello there,

This request is under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Back in February 2018 you kindly supplied me with one of each of the various subsised bus service timetable leaflets of the day, which you can see the request again at

So, with that in mind I would request all Subsidised Service timetable leaflets, as PDF or similar files, issued in 2018 2019 and 2020. These would be where a service has changed, or a new service introduced.
*Ideally* these should contain changes up to and including Sunday 30th August 2020.

Thank you
Suzy xxx

FOI, Cambridgeshire County Council

Autoresponse from the Information Governance (IG) Team
At the present time the Information Governance Team, the service which deals with requests made under the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts as well as EIR and GDPR, and other Council services are under great pressure due to the impact of the Coronavirus. Cambridgeshire County Council are working hard to provide the much needed care and support for our communities. We will log your correspondence/request before assessing how best to respond to you and will contact you again in due course, however we cannot give a timeframe for completion of the request.
We hope that you will understand the pressure on Council resources at present and our need to reprioritise in the best interests of the people and communities which we serve.

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FOI, Cambridgeshire County Council

Dear Suzy

Re: Freedom of Information Request ref 1409926

Thank you for your email. Your request will be dealt with in line with the Freedom of Information Act and its regulations. In accordance with the Act, the Council aims to respond to all requests within 20 working days, in this instance by 22nd September 2020.

If we require further information, clarification or a fee in order to fulfil your request we will contact you again. Please quote the reference number above in all future correspondence concerning this request.

Kind regards

Information Governance Team
Tel: 01223 699137
Box No. OCT1224, Cambridgeshire County Council, Shire Hall, Cambridge, CB3 0AP

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FOI, Cambridgeshire County Council

14 Attachments

Dear Suzy


Re: Freedom of Information Request ref: FOI_1409926


We have considered your request under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act. Please find our response attached.


I hope this information is helpful but if you are unhappy with the service
you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint
or request a review, you should write to Information Management, at either
[1][Cambridgeshire County Council request email] or by post at Box No. OCT1224, Shire Hall,
Cambridge CB3 0AP within 40 days of the date of this e-mail.


If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
5AF, or via their website: [2]https://ico.org.uk/.


Generally, the ICO will not undertake a review or make a decision on a
request until the internal review process has been completed.


Kind Regards,



Information Governance Team

Tel: 01223 699137

Box No. OCT1224, Cambridgeshire County Council, Shire Hall, Cambridge, CB3


[3]CV email signature


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who to share this email with (if appropriate). If you receive this email
by mistake please notify the sender and delete it immediately. Opinions
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opinion of Cambridgeshire County Council. All sent and received email from
Cambridgeshire County Council is automatically scanned for the presence of
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in line with the Data Protection legislation, further details at
www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/privacy Visit [4]www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk


Visible links
1. mailto:[Cambridgeshire County Council request email]
2. https://ico.org.uk/
4. http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/

Dear FOI,

Thank you very much for a commendably prompt response.
Can you please advise if Service 28 (DRT around Gamlingay) is still operating, and if so, who is operating this please? This is not on Traveline or your own website, but the DRT element obviously couldn't be if it doens't run to fixed times?

Yours sincerely,

Suzy Scott

FOI, Cambridgeshire County Council

Dear Suzy

Thank you for your follow up question, and please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you.

I have forwarded your question to Passenger Transport and asked them if they are able to respond. Once I hear from them, I will email you again with an answer.

Kind regards

Clare Storey
Information Management Analyst

Information Governance Team
Tel: 01223 699137 (Team)
Box No. OCT1224, Cambridgeshire County Council, Shire Hall, Cambridge, CB3 0AP

show quoted sections

FOI, Cambridgeshire County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Suzy
The Passenger Transport Service have provided the following comment
regarding Service 28:
The FACT service 28 was cancelled back in July 2019. The County Council
tried to find an alternative provider but no bids were received when the
contract was tendered.
I hope you find this information helpful.
Kind regards
Clare Storey
Information Management Analyst
Information Governance Team
Tel: 01223 699137 (Team)
Box No. OCT1224, Cambridgeshire County Council, Shire Hall, Cambridge, CB3

show quoted sections

Dear FOI,

Thank you for the additional response.

Yours sincerely,

Suzy Scott