Bus Shelter

Barnham Broom Parish Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Barnham Broom Parish Council,

What was the total cost of the Proper Officers time in preparing the grant application for the Bus Shelter ?

What was the cost in Clerk hours in obtaining quotes and permits for the bus shelter ?

How much did Norfolk County Council contribute towards the bus shelter ?

When was the grant from Norfolk County Council paid into the Parish Council Accounts ?

How long did grant from Norfolk County Council stay within the Barnham Broom Parish Council accounts before being paid back and what interest was accurred during that period on the grant ?

Yours faithfully,

John Cowan

Heidi Frary,

Mr Cowan -
Question 1
The work was undertaken by the Clerk during her regular working hours.**
As a Parish Councillor on Barnham Broom Council you are aware of this fact
Question 2
The work was undertaken by the Clerk during her regular working hours.**
As a Parish Councillor on Barnham Broom Council you are aware of this fact
Question 3
NCC contributed **1200.
This information is already held by you, and contained within the minutes
of the parish council meeting on 11th March 2010, which you attended.
Question 4.
The money was paid into the Parish Council Accounts on 19th April 2010.
Question 5.
There was no interest received on this money.** As a Parish Councillor
with Barnham Broom Parish Council and a signatory on the account in
question, you are aware that it is a community account and therefore does
not receive interest.
All this information you have requested has not been disclosed under the
requirements of the act in accordance with Chapter 36 Section 21 of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000, but has been sent to you as a gesture of
Heidi Frary
Clerk to Barnham Broom Parish Council

On 15 June 2011 06:05, John Cowan
<[1][FOI #75793 email]> wrote:

** ** Dear Barnham Broom Parish Council,

** ** What was the total cost of the Proper Officers time in preparing
** ** the grant application for the Bus Shelter ?

** ** What was the cost in Clerk hours in obtaining quotes and permits
** ** for the bus shelter ?

** ** How much did Norfolk County Council contribute towards the bus
** ** shelter ?

** ** When was the grant from Norfolk County Council paid into the
** ** Council Accounts ?

** ** How long did grant from Norfolk County Council stay within the
** ** Barnham Broom Parish Council accounts before being paid back and
** ** what interest was accurred during that period on the grant ?

** ** Yours faithfully,

** ** John Cowan

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