This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Bus Services and Subsidies'.

Direct Tel:  0191 372 8371 
Your ref:   
Our ref:  6974361 
Dear Ms Chahal, 
Please accept our apologies for the late response to your request for information 
received on 06-JUL-2011 and which has now been considered. 
You requested:  
1) The number of bus services that received subsidies in your area in the last 
financial year (2010/11) 
Our response: 126 
2) The percentage of bus services that received subsidies in the last financial year 
Our response: 20%.  
Please note that the reference to a “service” may refer to a single bus, such as an 
early bus, or a specific weekend bus, rather than a subsidy for the whole service.  
Moreover, these may cover a service that runs once a week, for example a market 
day service that would not be provided without the subsidy. 
3) The amount that you spent on bus subsidies in the last financial year (2010/11) 
Our response: Durham County Council spend = £4,408,524 
4) The amount of money that will be spent on bus subsidies this financial year 
(2011/12), in 2012/13 and in 2013/14 
Our response: (Per net budget 11/12): 
11/12:   £3,331,353 
12/13:   £3,331,353 
13/14:   £3,331,353 
5) The percentage cut that was made to your formula grant from Government this 
year (2011/12) 
Our response: 14.8% (= £34.3m). Please find attached the delegated approval 
report regarding the cuts implemented by Durham County Council. 

Our formula grant will be cut by a further 11.1% (21.9million) in 2012/13. Over the 
2 years the percentage reduction to bus subsidy is therefore marginally lower than 
the overall level of cuts to Council funding. 
I hope that this information is of assistance, however, if you are dissatisfied with 
the handling of your request please contact: 
The Information Management Team  
Durham County Council 
Assistant Chief Executive’s Office 
Room 4/140 
County Hall 
DH1 5UF 
Tel: 0191 372 8371 
After you have exhausted our internal appeals procedure you also have a right of 
appeal to the Information Commissioner at:  
Information Commissioner's Office 
Wycliffe House 
Water Lane 
SK9 5AF 
Telephone: 01625 545 745 
Fax: 01625 524 510 
Most of the documents that we provide in response to Freedom of Information Act 
requests will be subject to copyright protection.  In most cases the copyright will 
be owned by Durham County Council.  The copyright in other documents may be 
owned by another person or organisation, as indicated on the documents 
You are free to use any documents supplied for your own use, including for non-
commercial research purposes.  The documents may also be used for the 
purposes of news reporting.  However, any other type of re-use, for example, by 
publishing the documents or issuing copies to the public will require the 
permission of the copyright owner.  
For documents where the copyright is owned by Durham County Council, please 
contact me for details of the conditions on re-use.  
For documents where the copyright is owned by another person or organisation, 
you would need to apply to the copyright owner to obtain their permission. 
Yours sincerely, 

Lawrence Serewicz 
Principal Information Management Officer