Bus service improvements due to traffic filters
Dear Oxfordshire County Council,
One of the most consistently touted benefits of the traffic filters set for implementation this autumn is improvements to bus services. As the introduction date of these measures approaches, is it yet known what these improvements will actually look like in terms of concrete changes to routes and frequency? I appreciate this is likely a primarily commercial decision, but previous documents have suggested the council does have at least some involvement in route planning.
Yours faithfully,
Laurie Wright
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Dear Laurie
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act (2000).
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Senior Freedom of Information Officer
Voice of the Customer Team
Customers and Organisational Development
Oxfordshire County Council
Email: [1][email address]
From: Laurie Wright <[FOI #1107044 email]>
Sent: 23 March 2024 19:31
To: FOI Team <[Oxfordshire County Council request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Bus service improvements due to
traffic filters
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Dear Oxfordshire County Council,
One of the most consistently touted benefits of the traffic filters set
for implementation this autumn is improvements to bus services. As the
introduction date of these measures approaches, is it yet known what these
improvements will actually look like in terms of concrete changes to
routes and frequency? I appreciate this is likely a primarily commercial
decision, but previous documents have suggested the council does have at
least some involvement in route planning.
Yours faithfully,
Laurie Wright
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Dear Laurie,
Please find attached response to your recent FOI request.
Kind Regards
Senior Freedom of Information Officer
Voice of the Customer Team
Customers and Organisational Development
Oxfordshire County Council
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