Bus Lanes

The request was successful.

The Motorcycle Action Group

Dear Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council,

How many miles of with flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?

How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

How many miles of contra flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?

How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

How many miles of bus only roads are operational within the local authority boundaries?

How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

Please supply contact details for the current cabinet member with responsibility for bus lanes in the local authority area?

• With flow bus lane is defined as a bus lane that runs alongside a traffic lane open to other motorised vehicles and in the same direction of travel.
• Contra flow bus lane is defined as a bus lane alongside a lane open to other motorised vehicles in the opposite direction of travel
• Bus only road is a road that has no lanes open to other motorised vehicles in either direction.

Yours faithfully,

Julie Sperling
The Motorcycle Action Group

foi, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

Thank you for your FOI request, unfortunately this should be
sent to Kent County Council who is the responsible
Authority for this matter.

Contact details are as follows:-

FOI Co-ordinator
Kent County Council
Sessions House
County Hall
ME14 1XQ

Tel: 03000 41 41 41
e-mail: [email address]

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The Motorcycle Action Group

Dear foi,

Kent County Council referred us to yourselves commenting that the 12 district councils have responsibility for bus lanes in their jurisdictions. Please can you resolve this with KCC and confirm who will respond?

Yours sincerely,

The Motorcycle Action Group

Andy Bracey, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Sperling

I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request to Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council in relation to bus lanes and motorcycles.

Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council is not responsible for the introduction or management of bus lanes in our Borough - their introduction and maintenance is a function that rests with Kent County Council in their role as the Highway Authority, and enforcement rests with Kent Police. However, I will aim to answer your points as best I can from a TMBC position.

How many miles of with flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?
- There is one bus lane in our Borough on the public highway. This is approximately 115m in length.

How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
- None - The one bus lane is not accessible to motorcycles as it leads to a dedicated bus gateway at traffic signals.

How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?
- None - The one bus lane is not accessible to pedal cycles as it leads to a dedicated bus gateway at traffic signals.

How many miles of contra flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?
- None

How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
- None (see above)

How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?
- None (see above)

How many miles of bus only roads are operational within the local authority boundaries?
- There are 3 bus only roads in the area, all less than 50m in length. One is a school bus pick-up/drop off layby with an island to eh main carriageway. One is a dedicated bus only access from a roundabout and the third is a signalised bus gateway.

How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
- None.

How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?
- None, but the dedicated bus only access from a roundabout has an off-carriageway shared-use pedal cycle facility that runs alongside.

Please supply contact details for the current cabinet member with responsibility for bus lanes in the local authority area?
- N/A - this is a responsibility of Kent County Council rather than TMBC.

If you are dissatisfied with this response, then you may ask the Council to conduct an internal review of your case by writing to the Council's FOI Team ([Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council request email]). If you are still not content after the Council has conducted an internal review of your case, then you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the internal review procedure provided by the Borough Council.

The Information Commissioner can be contacted in writing at: The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Andy Bracey FIHE
Parking Manager
Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

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