Bus Lanes

Dartford Borough Council did not have the information requested.

The Motorcycle Action Group

Dear Dartford Borough Council,

How many miles of with flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?

How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

How many miles of contra flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?

How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

How many miles of bus only roads are operational within the local authority boundaries?

How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

Please supply contact details for the current cabinet member with responsibility for bus lanes in the local authority area?

• With flow bus lane is defined as a bus lane that runs alongside a traffic lane open to other motorised vehicles and in the same direction of travel.
• Contra flow bus lane is defined as a bus lane alongside a lane open to other motorised vehicles in the opposite direction of travel
• Bus only road is a road that has no lanes open to other motorised vehicles in either direction.

Yours faithfully,

Julie Sperling
The Motorcycle Action Group

FOI (Dartford),

Thank you for your FOI request which will be responded to within 20
working days unless the Council agrees an extension of time with you.


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FOI (Dartford),

Dear Julie,

Thank you for your mail below, You may refer your query to Kent County Council who are responsible for roads in the Borough

Their contact details for KCC is available on their website from the following link:

By email: [email address] By post: Information Resilience & Transparency Team, Kent County Council, Room 2.71, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. ME14 1XQ.

Yours faithfully

Veronica Osakwe
Legal Officer
Dartford Borough Council
Civic Centre
Home Gardens
Kent DA1 1DR

[email address]

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