Bus Lanes

The request was successful.

The Motorcycle Action Group

Dear Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council,

How many miles of with flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?
How many miles of additional with flow bus lane are planned to be created within the next five years in the local authority area?
How many miles of with flow bus lane are planned to be removed within the next five years in the local authority area?
How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

How many miles of contra flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?
How many miles of additional contra flow bus lane are planned to be created within the next five years in the local authority area?
How many miles of contra flow bus lane are planned to be removed within the next five years in the local authority area?
How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

How many miles of bus only roads are operational within the local authority boundaries?
How many miles of additional bus only roads are planned to be created within the next five years in the local authority area?
How many miles of bus only roads are planned to be removed within the next five years in the local authority area?
How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?
How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

Please supply contact details for the current cabinet member with responsibility for bus lanes in the local authority area?

• With flow bus lane is defined as a bus lane that runs alongside a traffic lane open to other motorised vehicles and in the same direction of travel.
• Contra flow bus lane is defined as a bus lane alongside a lane open to other motorised vehicles in the opposite direction of travel
• Bus only road is a road that has no lanes open to other motorised vehicles in either direction.

Yours faithfully,

Julie Sperling
The Motorcycle Action Group

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Sperling


Request for Information RFI-3680-21


Thank you for your request for information relating to Bus Lanes which was
received on 13 October 2021.


In accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Information
Regulations 2004 the council will respond to your request within 20
working days, saying whether we have the information that you want, and if
there will be any charges. 

We may also extend the timeframe for a response by up to a further 20 days
(total of 40 working days) if your request is considered sufficiently
complex or voluminous.

If this this the case we will contact you to advise you of this.


If, for any reason, we cannot provide you with the information, we will
tell you why.

If we need to clarify your request, we will contact you again.


Update – Your Information Rights Requests and Coronavirus:


Walsall Council is working extremely hard to ensure the safety and
wellbeing of all residents of the borough during this difficult period. As
part of this working practices and priorities within the council may need
to change in line with advice from the Government and our own Public
Health Service.


This may mean that our usual processes for responding to requests for
information will need to change, and unfortunately you may experience
delays in receiving the information you have requested.


We apologise in advance if we cannot respond within the statutory
timeframe of your request - however should your request be effected we
will let you know and will endeavour to keep you updated on our progress.


We ask that show understanding and patience as we work through this
difficult time and we assure that we will do our upmost to ensure you
receive a response to your request as soon as possible


In the meantime, if you need to contact me about your request, please do
so quoting the above reference number.


Yours sincerely,

Julie Noble


Assurance Team, Resources and Transformation

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council,

Civic Centre,

Darwall Street,

Walsall, WS1 1DG

Email: [Walsall Council request email]

Service area: [1]walsall.gov.uk/ Information Governance and Assurance

Website:  [2]www.walsall.gov.uk



WITHOUT THE EXPRESS CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR. The information in this message
should be regarded as confidential and is intended for the addressee only
unless explicitly stated.  If you have received this message in error it
must be deleted and the sender notified.  The views expressed in this
message are personal and not necessarily those of Walsall MBC unless
explicitly stated.  E-mails sent or received from Walsall MBC may be
intercepted and read by the Council.  Interception will only occur to
ensure compliance with Council policies or procedures or regulatory
obligations, to prevent or detect crime. You should also be aware that any
email may be the subject of a request under Data Protection, Freedom of
Information or Environmental Information legislation and therefore could
be disclosed to third parties.


E-mail Security: Communication by internet email is not secure as
messages can be intercepted and read by someone else. Therefore we
strongly advise you not to email any information, which if disclosed to
unrelated third parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you
have an enquiry of this nature please provide a postal address to allow us
to communicate with you in a more secure way. If you want us to respond by
email you must realise that there can be no guarantee of privacy.





Visible links
1. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
2. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Sperling


I write to acknowledge and apologise for the delay in responding to your
request relating to Bus Lanes. As you know, the council is required to
respond to all requests for information under the Environmental
Information Regulations within 20 working days, unless the request is
complex or voluminous. 


Walsall Council takes its obligations under this legislation extremely
seriously and I am sorry that in this case we have not met this timescale.


I would like to take this opportunity to assure you of our best
intentions in this regard. I can confirm that a full reply to your request
will be sent to you as soon as possible. 


If you have any queries in regard to this process, please do not hesitate
to contact us.


Yours sincerely,

Emma Thomas



Assurance Team, Resources and Transformation

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council,

Civic Centre,

Darwall Street,

Walsall, WS1 1DG

Email: [Walsall Council request email]

Service area: [1]walsall.gov.uk/ Information Governance and Assurance

Website:  [2]www.walsall.gov.uk



WITHOUT THE EXPRESS CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR. The information in this message
should be regarded as confidential and is intended for the addressee only
unless explicitly stated.  If you have received this message in error it
must be deleted and the sender notified.  The views expressed in this
message are personal and not necessarily those of Walsall MBC unless
explicitly stated.  E-mails sent or received from Walsall MBC may be
intercepted and read by the Council.  Interception will only occur to
ensure compliance with Council policies or procedures or regulatory
obligations, to prevent or detect crime. You should also be aware that any
email may be the subject of a request under Data Protection, Freedom of
Information or Environmental Information legislation and therefore could
be disclosed to third parties.


E-mail Security: Communication by internet email is not secure as
messages can be intercepted and read by someone else. Therefore we
strongly advise you not to email any information, which if disclosed to
unrelated third parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you
have an enquiry of this nature please provide a postal address to allow us
to communicate with you in a more secure way. If you want us to respond by
email you must realise that there can be no guarantee of privacy.




Visible links
1. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
2. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Sperling


Freedom of Information Request


Please accept my sincerest apologies for the delay you have experienced in
receiving a response to your Freedom of Information Request. As you know,
the council is required to respond to all requests for information under
the Environmental Information Regulations within 20 working days, unless
the request is complex or voluminous and I am extremely sorry we have not
met our obligations in this instance.


I am however happy to provide the information you requested below. I hope
this information is still of use to you. Please note that the information
given in this response is as at the date of your request.

If you do have any queries or additional questions regarding the
information that has been provided please do not hesitate to contact me
direct on the details at the bottom of this email.


Further to your request for information relating to Bus Lanes I can tell
you the following:


How many miles of with flow bus lane are operational within the local
authority boundaries?


How many miles of additional with flow bus lane are planned to be created
within the next five years in the local

authority area?


How many miles of with flow bus lane are planned to be removed within the
next five years in the local authority



How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the
local authority area?


How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the
local authority area?


How many miles of contra flow bus lane are operational within the local
authority boundaries?


How many miles of additional contra flow bus lane are planned to be
created within the next five years in the local

authority area?


How many miles of contra flow bus lane are planned to be removed within
the next five years in the local authority



How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in
the local authority area?


How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in
the local authority area?


How many miles of bus only roads are operational within the local
authority boundaries?


How many miles of additional bus only roads are planned to be created
within the next five years in the local

authority area?


How many miles of bus only roads are planned to be removed within the next
five years in the local authority area?


How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by motorcycles in the
local authority area?


How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by pedal cycles in the
local authority area?


Please supply contact details for the current cabinet member with
responsibility for bus lanes in the local authority area? Councillor
Adrian Andrew - contact details can be found on our website: 



Most of the information that we provide in response to Environmental
Information Regulations 2004 requests will be subject to copyright
protection.  In most cases the copyright will be owned by Walsall Council.
The copyright in respect of other information may be owned by another
person or organisation, as indicated.


You are free to use any information supplied to you in response to this
request for your own non-commercial research or private study purposes.
The information may also be used for any other purpose allowed by a
limitation or exception in copyright law, such as news reporting.
 However, any other type of re-use, for example by publishing the
information in analogue or digital form, including on the internet, will
require the permission of the copyright owner.


I hope that the information provided is useful to you. However, if you are
dissatisfied, you should set out in writing your grounds for complaint and
send to: Lead Assurance Officer, Business Change, Civic Centre, Darwall
Street, Walsall, WS1 1TP.


If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for a decision.
Please remember that, generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you
have first exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the council. The
Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9


Again I would like to offer my apologies for any inconvenience the delay
to your request may have caused you


Yours sincerely,

Emma Thomas


Assurance Team, Resources and Transformation

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council,

Civic Centre,

Darwall Street,

Walsall, WS1 1DG

Email: [Walsall Council request email]

Service area: [1]walsall.gov.uk/ Information Governance and Assurance

Website:  [2]www.walsall.gov.uk



WITHOUT THE EXPRESS CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR. The information in this message
should be regarded as confidential and is intended for the addressee only
unless explicitly stated.  If you have received this message in error it
must be deleted and the sender notified.  The views expressed in this
message are personal and not necessarily those of Walsall MBC unless
explicitly stated.  E-mails sent or received from Walsall MBC may be
intercepted and read by the Council.  Interception will only occur to
ensure compliance with Council policies or procedures or regulatory
obligations, to prevent or detect crime. You should also be aware that any
email may be the subject of a request under Data Protection, Freedom of
Information or Environmental Information legislation and therefore could
be disclosed to third parties.


E-mail Security: Communication by internet email is not secure as
messages can be intercepted and read by someone else. Therefore we
strongly advise you not to email any information, which if disclosed to
unrelated third parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you
have an enquiry of this nature please provide a postal address to allow us
to communicate with you in a more secure way. If you want us to respond by
email you must realise that there can be no guarantee of privacy.



Visible links
1. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
2. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...