Burglaries in Lawrence Hill ward.

Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panel did not have the information requested.

Dear Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panel,

Under the Freedom of Information act could you please inform me with how many reported burglaries there have been in the past three months in the Lawrence Hill ward in particular.

Yours faithfully,

Daisy Dee

David Ward left an annotation ()

You may be able to find the information you are looking for on the Police.uk website - see http://www.police.uk/crime/?q=Lawrence%2...

If not, it may be more appropriate to direct this request to the Police themselves (http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/body/avon_...), rather than the Police and Crime Panel

Police and Crime Panel Police and Crime Panel, Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panel

Dear Ms. Dee ,

Many thanks for your Freedom of Information inquiry.

Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panel is a joint local authority scrutiny panel whose chief responsibility is to hold to account and support the new Police Commissioner. As such, the panel does not compile or hold crime statistics, and so cannot provide the information you are requesting.
This information would be held by Avon and Somerset Police, and you can submit a Freedom of Information request via the 'Documents and Information' page of their website - link below.


Yours sincerely,

Jude Williams, Scrutiny Officer, Bristol City Council

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