Bullying in Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Dear Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea,
This request is being made to make the public at large and people in each authority aware of which councils are the worst offenders or the better examples when it comes to bullying in the workplace. All councils have very similar anti-bullying / dignity at work policies, but there seems to be a difference in the level of bullying. This is intended to statistically show those differences.
1) How many employees of your authority have
made an
official complaint of harassment and bullying at work since the 1st April 2009?
2) How many of these complaints were upheld in favour of the
3) How many of those which were not upheld in favour of the
complainant went on to Appeal?
4) How many of those that went to Appeal were found to favour the
5) How many complaints went on to an Employment Tribunal?
6) How many of these were found to uphold the complaint?
7) Out of how many of those allegations (the number given to question 1) did the complainant of
bullying claim that the bullies were telling lies?
8) How many staff does your authority have and what is the current population within your authority's area?
Yours faithfully
Mr Lewis
Dear Mr. Lewis
I am writing to confirm that we received your information request on 12
December 2015. For your information and future communications your request
has been allocated the reference number FOI2015-1519. Please quote this
reference in any future correspondence.
We will consider your request and respond in accordance with the
requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Our duty is to
respond promptly or at least within 20 working days.
Yours sincerely
Robin Yu
Information Protection Assistant
Shared ICT Service
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
The Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX
Tel: 020 7938 8226
Email: [1][email address] | Website: [2]http://www.rbkc.gov.uk
Dear Mr. Lewis
I am responding to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000,
which we received on 12 December 2016, for information held by the
Council. You requested:
1) How many employees of your authority have made an official complaint of
harassment and bullying at work since the 1st April 2009?
2) How many of these complaints were upheld in favour of the complainant?
3) How many of those which were not upheld in favour of the complainant
went on to Appeal?
4) How many of those that went to Appeal were found to favour the
5) How many complaints went on to an Employment Tribunal?
6) How many of these were found to uphold the complaint?
7) Out of how many of those allegations (the number given to question 1)
did the complainant of bullying claim that the bullies were telling lies?
I confirm that we hold the information requested for questions 1-7.
Section 12 of FOIA makes provision for public authorities to refuse
requests for information where the cost of dealing with them would exceed
the appropriate limit. The appropriate limit is set at £450; this
represents the estimated cost of one person spending 2.5 working days or
18 hours in locating, retrieving and extracting the information.
RBKC do not keep any central records of Employee Relations cases, this
information is held on individual staff personnel files. To be sure of
capturing all the information requested, we would need to search through
all current staff records, and also staff who have left the council since
1^st April 2009. There are currently over 2000 members of staff so to
locate, extract and retrieve the information will easily exceed the
appropriate limit.
8) How many staff does your authority have and what is the current
population within your authority's area?
We have approximately 2200 members of staff.
RBKC population in the 2011 census was 158,649.
I trust this has satisfied your request. Should you be unhappy with the
handling of your request, the Council has an internal complaints process
for handling FOIA complaints. Complaints are reviewed by the Chief
Solicitor and Monitoring Officer or her nominee. A form is available from
our website to lodge your complaint
Please contact us if you do not have website access and we can provide you
with a copy of the form. Following this review, should you still be
unhappy with how your information request has been handled, you have a
further right to appeal to the Information Commissioner who is responsible
for ensuring compliance with FOIA.
Yours sincerely
Robin Yu
Information Protection Assistant
Shared ICT Service
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
The Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX
Tel: 020 7938 8226
Email: [2][email address] | Website: [3]http://www.rbkc.gov.uk
Nominations sought for Mayor’s Awards
If you know someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the life
of the Royal Borough then nominate them for an award and tell us why they
are special.
RBKC Local App
Noticed a streetlight that isn’t working? Want to report fly tipping? Use
the RBKC Local App to report it, register for it, pay for it.
Visible links
1. http://www.rbkc.gov.uk/councilanddemocra...
2. mailto:[email address]
3. http://www.rbkc.gov.uk/
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