Bullying in Babergh District Council

The request was partially successful.

Dear Babergh District Council,

This request is being made to make the public at large and people in each authority aware of which councils are the worst offenders or the better examples when it comes to bullying in the workplace. All councils have very similar anti-bullying / dignity at work policies, but there seems to be a difference in the level of bullying. This is intended to statistically show those differences.

Please reply to the first two questions first as they are the most important:

a) Please inform me of the cost of dealing with this request.

1) How many official complaints of harassment and bullying at work did you receive between the 1st April 2009 and the 31st December 2015?

2) How many of these complaints were upheld in favour of the

Please reply to these questions if the £450 limit is not exceeded or in order of the questions up to the limit should the limit be surpassed somewhere within these questions:

3) How many of those which were not upheld in favour of the
complainant went on to Appeal?

4) How many of those that went to Appeal were found to favour the

5) How many complaints went on to an Employment Tribunal?

6) How many of these were found to uphold the complaint?

7) Out of how many of those allegations (the number given to question 1) did the complainant of
bullying claim that the bullies were telling lies?

8) How many staff does your authority have and what is the current population within your authority's area?

Yours faithfully

Mr Lewis


Rebecca Bull,

1 Attachment

Thank you for your FOI request. Please see the attached letter

Kind Regards,

Data Protection Team
Working for Mid Suffolk District Council  and Babergh District Council
Council Offices
131 High Street
Needham Market

Tel. 01449 724690

Emails sent to and from this organisation will be monitored in accordance with the law to ensure compliance with policies and to minimize any security risks. The information contained in this email or any of its attachments may be privileged or confidential and is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee. Any unauthorised use may be unlawful. If you receive this email by mistake, please advise the sender immediately by using the reply facility in your email software. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this email that do not relate to the official business of Babergh District Council and/or Mid Suffolk District Council shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by Babergh District Council and/or Mid Suffolk District Council.

Dear Rebecca Bull,

...and question 8?

Yours sincerely,


Rebecca Bull,


As at 25/04/16 the headcount for BMSDC was 553 with an fte of 458.

You can find out the current population here -


Kind Regards
Rebecca Bull
Admin and Tech Support Officer

01449 724695
Ex 4695

show quoted sections

Dear Rebecca Bull,

Perhaps you could guide people to where in the website the population of Babergh is hidden because I couldn't find it. A 10-second google search revealed 85,000.

Yours sincerely,
