Building of supermarket on existing college site
Dear Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College,
Please could you furnish me with details of correspondence between supermarket chains, Turner and Townsend, Walsingham Planning, Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College staff, Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College governors, and within the college with regard to plans for a supermarket on the existing college site in Marple?
Yours faithfully,
Neil Corrie.
Any correspondence listed is deemed confidential on the grounds of commercial sensitivity.
Andrew Hubert
Director of Finance and Resources
Dear Andrew Hubert,
I fail to see how all such correspondence, dating back a number of years, should be commercially sensitive. This is crucial to the understanding of how significant amounts of public money have been spent.
Therefore I request an internal review.
Yours sincerely,
Neil Corrie
Dear Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College,
Could you advise on the outcome of this internal review ?
Yours faithfully,
Neil Corrie
Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College
Thank you for your enquiry:
Your e-mail will be forwarded to the appropriate member of Staff.
Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College (Stockport)
Cheadle Campus Marple Campus
Cheadle Road, Hibbert Lane,
Cheadle Hulme, Marple,
Cheshire, Stockport,
Tel - 0161 486 4600 Tel - 0161 484 6600
Fax - 0161 482 8129 Fax - 0161 484 6601
Web - [1]
Email - [2][email address]
Dear Mr Corrie
We acknowledge receipt of your email which is receiving our attention.
Yours sincerely
Joy Pipping
PA to the Principal
Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College
Cheadle Campus
0161 486 4611 (direct line)
[email address]
Dear Joy Pipping,
It is now 8 months since your last correspondence. Could you please advise the status of this internal review and if completed, then its findings ?
Yours sincerely,
Neil Corrie
Please note that I will not be in college until Monday 18 June. If your
message is urgent please contact Jenny Higginbotham on 0161 486 4695.
Alternatively contact the main Reception on 0161 486 4600 who will be able
to help you.
Many thanks
Joy Pipping
PA to the Principal
Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College
Cheadle Campus
' 0161 486 4611 (direct line)
8 [1][email address]
Thank you for your email which is receiving our attention.
Many thanks
Joy Pipping
PA to the Principal
Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College
Cheadle Campus
0161 486 4611 (direct line)
[email address]
Dear Joy Pipping,
It is now 2 months since your last correspondence. Could you please advise the status of this internal review and if completed, then its findings ?
Yours sincerely,
Neil Corrie
Please note that I will not be in college until Tuesday 28 August. If
your message is urgent please contact the main Reception on 0161 486 4600
who will be able to help you.
Many thanks
Joy Pipping
PA to the Principal
Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College
Cheadle Campus
' 0161 486 4611 (direct line)
8 [1][email address]
Dear Mr Corrie
Thank you for your email which is receiving our attention.
Many thanks
Joy Pipping
PA to the Principal
Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College
Cheadle Campus
0161 486 4611 (direct line)
[email address]
Dear Mr Corrie
I understand that we have had an undeliverable message from our previous
email which is why I am sending this through to you once again.
Many thanks
Joy Pipping
PA to the Principal
[1]Description: Description: CM_Colour
' 0161 486 4611 (direct line)
8 [2][email address]
From: Edward Vitalis
Sent: 12 October 2012 08:55
To: '[FOI #80262 email]'
Cc: Joy Pipping
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Request - Buildeing of Supermarket on
Existing College Site
From: Edward Vitalis
Sent: 12 October 2012 08:48
To: '[FOI #80262 email]'
Cc: Joy Pipping
Subject: Freedom of Information Request - Buildeing of Supermarket on
Existing College Site
Dear Mr Corrie
I’d like to introduce myself as the newly appointed (August 12) Director
of Finance & Resources of Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College. At the end
of August 12 a freedom of information request was forwarded by one of my
colleagues to me from yourself. I understand that this relates to a
previous request that you made 16^th July 2011.
Please accept my apologies for the time taken to respond to you as I had
to first track down your original request from my predecessors files. Now
that I have access to and understand your request I can confirm that the
College is not in a position to provide you with the information you have
requested. This is because the information is deemed to be confidential
on the grounds of commercial sensitivity.
Thank you for your patience in respect of this matter.
Kind regards
Edward Vitalis
Director of Finance & Resources
Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please consider the Environment.
Do you really need to print this email.
- The UK is the fifth highest consumer of paper and board in the world
- On average, each of us consumes 198 kg of paper and board per year
- A ream of typical office paper (500 sheets) uses about 6% of a tree
Thank-you for your cooperation.
Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College
We work to defend the right to FOI for everyone
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Jess Trevitt left an annotation ()
This response in inadequate in a number of ways: if they think that the info is commercially sensitive (it might be) they have to complete a public interest test - sounds like it could be an EIR request to me ( I assume that the college is covered by them). They also haven't supplied an internal review procedure.
I'd ask for a little more info on their reasoning for refusing the request.