Dear University of Oxford,

Oxford University typically requires applicants taking BTEC qualifications to achieve the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Applied Science, including Unit 13 (Applications of Inorganic Chemistry) and Unit 14 (Applications of Organic Chemistry) at an overall grade of D*DD (A*AA)

With this information, please provide the following

1) The amount of people who applied to your medicine course with only the BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science, amount of people invited to interview who applied to medicine (with only the BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science), amount of people offered a place for medicine (after they applied with only the BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science), amount of people who didn’t get an offer for medicine (after they applied for medicine with only the BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science) ALL from 2017-Present.

2) The highest and lowest UCAT score which was invited to interview for applicants who applied to medicine with only the BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science from 2017-Present.

Yours faithfully,

Tom Reighard

FOI, University of Oxford

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FOI Oxford

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Dear FOI,


Tom Reighard

FOI, University of Oxford

2 Attachments

Dear Tom

Our reference: 202412/1167

Please find attached the University's response to your request.

Kind regards

Freedom of Information

Information Compliance Team

University of Oxford, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1


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